<August 6, 2003>
An unfortunate thrush of some sort; it must have been going somewhere in a hurry when it bonked into the kitchen window. For some reason this reminds me of grad school.
An assortment of fish sketches from the Seattle Aquarium, pen and Tria shading.
Hi, I'm back, mostly; here is some ferrety business. It's a pity the whole pirate motif is now devoid of whatever "indy cred" it once possessed.
Started off as a random sketch while waiting around at my friend's house, but waiting around ended up being hours, so the sketch turned into this. And yes, I have a scanner again, and a new email, after the last one was visciously infected by spam and thus shot. I lost quite a bit of corespondance in the switch. If I've dropped out of contact with you, please e-mail me at [email protected]
"heeeey, flying... goldfish thingie! Jush sittin' 'round *hic* wansham sek... saik... sakey... rice wine?" Tanuki are odd creatures.
Ink and graphite. My wolf Nikoli plays his sad and beautiful music. Mourning at the grave of his late mate and comminicating with the spirits of earth and nature.
Digitally colored ink linework. A winged roo, a nature spirit, spreads night across the landscape.
This is really large compared to hulacat.jpg. It's 4' by 13' and coloured with pencil crayon and marker with touches of white acrylic. Canadian animals. Whoo!
I appologize first off for the size. It's actually this small, though. I had the idea to sketch on a tiny piece of bristol and liked the outcome so much I followed through to then end. Pencil crayon.
"Silent Thunder," (Lightwave, Sassquatch and Digital Fusion) Not to be confused with the Celestial Seasonings hyper-caffeinated "Morning Thunder," exploring the leaps-and-bounds of Wildlife Art. :)
Another piece from Anthrocon. Little Fidget is my absolute favorite part of this entire image. Wish I had a pet leezahrd like him :) [image © 2003 by Jen Seng] -- [May 2003]
*grinz all toothy* This little feller is my personal fave pic from AC2003. I love how this guy came out! He's all... uh... shiny n' stuff. And I think a friend is turning him into a tattoo! If he doesn't send me photos of the finished body art, I'll send him a box of crazed weasels, ala Wierd Al. [image © 2003 by Jen Seng] -- [May 2003]
Yet another one of my Anthrocon 2003 prints. And... I mean... c'mon, guys! It just HAD to be done. HAD TO BE!!! I have no excuses. [Spunky, image © 1999, 2003 by Jen Seng] -- [Jun. 2003]
In most worlds, of course, mountains are formed in the normal way, by buckling crust which is then eroded by wind and rain. On one particular world, however, geology works rather differently, and mountains accrete around a seed, like a pearl around a grain of sand. In this case, we see an infant mountain forming around one dismayed tortoise.
Um.... it's watercolour, darkened in Photoshop because watercolour does not scan well... yes. Moving along...
It's the cover pic for my wedding invitations.... Oh yeah, did I mention Devon and I are getting married? *faints* Yeah.
<August 6, 2003>