<January 29, 2002>
I've lost over 30 hours of my life to this game so far, and it shows NO SIGN OF STOPPING! x_x
"War Mammal" - A concept drawing. Blarg. I like giraffes. I have a new website too =D---plug--- at
My husband suggested I draw a fox in a snowball fight. It wasn't until I started sketching that I realized I haven't seen real SNOW for several years now... Prismacolor markers and colored pencils on Bristol Board.
This started out as a sketch of a $15,000 dress in a bridal magazine, and ended up almost nothing like the source. Which is just as well - who can afford a dress like that? Prismacolor markers and colored pencils on Bristol Board.
Honey Churry walking along a lake shore looking for something to draw. Done in colored pencils. A bit older than my other submitted work, early summer 2001.
A photograph-style pose of Jinge while vacationing along the northeast coast. The background lighthouse reference was from a picture I took while in Maine or Mass. (somewhere up there) several years ago when with my family. This was painted with acrylic on textured paper.
Novalee pondering her existance, wondering if she's dreaming or really just fading away. Something more "dark" in theme than my usual, but I like the change of mood. Inked by hand then colored with the dreaded photoshop. I'm working hard to try and get better with that program.
A snow-shoe hare girl that I drew inbetween drawings in my Life Drawing class last semester. It kind of came out looking like something Miss Giles would do- so, me sorry ;_; *looks down a few recent uploads* CHESS!!! CHESS!!!
This is nice little pastoral scene involving three zannies, one of those "Questionable Women", and about a thousand thoroughly visible little pixel squares. Thanks a lot Modern Technology.
I had a lot of fun at FC this past weekend despite the massive headache from malnutrition and marker fumage (yay for soup out of the can.. literally. >_<). I met some great people, and overall had a nice break from school. Lookin' forward to next year.. ;) Inks and marker, titled 'Waiting for you'.
Picture of a cute lil mouse girl that I sold at FC. Acrylics, marker and colored pencil. 9 x 12" on bristol board.
Ummm...I feel really silly uploading such light fluffy pieces after such a deeply holy and spiritual piece from Gloria H. just a few uploads down, but...well, I'll be getting back to deeper art in the future now that the rush from FC is over. This one is Xian at the Beach. Marker and colored pencil. 9 x 12" on bristol board. Sold at FC. _goes and hides under a rock with Bible_
A badge design. Unknown character and species, but I liked how the colors came out. Watercolor and ink.
Chess, the musical. Original London cast, of course. I had no idea how many furs were fans of this show until I did this picture. I'm not 100% happy with how a couple of the characters came out, but it was the best I could do in the time I had. "Each game of chess means one less variation to be played. Each day got through means one less mistake to be made."
Here's my post-FC2002 artwork dump. A pic inspired in part by my nightly commute over the Sepulvida Pass, which has a spectacular view of the San Fernando Valley. Bonus points if you can name the birds the griffins are based on. Clue for the bottom one--it's African, and has double-jointed legs.
Jack Salem's younger (by 18 years) brother Richie. Although the only role he played in the story was a point of conflict between Jack and his parents, and a target of an unsuccessful murder attempt, people wanted to know more about him. So here's a picture, showing him in his mid-teens with a couple school friends. Marker and colored pencil.
Ah yeah, beefing up for the winter months and got some new webspace Fun fun fun!
Updated photo of me and four of my closest friends! Clockwise from the guy on the runners: PeterPan, Strawberry, Rascal and Kemu. They are "Alaskan" Huskies, Siberians mixed with Hound to varying degrees. This mixture somehow makes for the most Loving, empathic, Spiritual, strongest canine Be-ings I've ever had the pleasure of knowing!
Well, stranger things HAVE been known to happen! Keer and Twap are © me. By the way, this pic is for sale on furbid.
"I will hide myself away in Jesus care."
<January 29, 2002>