<January 28, 2002>
- Finished that watercolor in Painter... it's for my mom... of... her gryphon character, Sunrise. O___o Yes, I know my mom is weird.
- Ooh, Trias again. Drawn in a glorious, euphoric haze of Kahlua and painkillers. (legitimate, post-wisdom-tooth-yanking painkillers. Really!)
- A reflection on that most heinous of courses. (pre-med genetics; drawn last year but never uploaded for fear of bad karma)
- It's been ten years, girl. You just needed a little face lift. (And for the record ... if she played any musical insturment, it would've been the drums.) Happy Birthday, Suni.
- Misty underwent something of a redesign when I did the group picture, so here she is again in her own right. The background was the first thing I ever made with Painter. :) Larger versions of this file are available on my website.
- Cute Kelly in da snow.
- Il Capitano Scarabombardone. Just another Zanni twit from the Commedia dell'Arte obsession.
- The Zanni Scapino. His name is derived from the Italian "scappare", which means "To Flee". Apparently. Seriously, I'm not making this stuff up!
- Card design for an on-line game.
- A pict of Siasa the mimic. A photoshop transperency experament.
- An excersise for a class that I am teaching.
<January 28, 2002>