<January 28, 2002>
Finished that watercolor in Painter... it's for my mom... of... her gryphon character, Sunrise. O___o Yes, I know my mom is weird.
Ooh, Trias again. Drawn in a glorious, euphoric haze of Kahlua and painkillers. (legitimate, post-wisdom-tooth-yanking painkillers. Really!)
A reflection on that most heinous of courses. (pre-med genetics; drawn last year but never uploaded for fear of bad karma)
It's been ten years, girl. You just needed a little face lift. (And for the record ... if she played any musical insturment, it would've been the drums.) Happy Birthday, Suni.
Misty underwent something of a redesign when I did the group picture, so here she is again in her own right. The background was the first thing I ever made with Painter. :) Larger versions of this file are available on my website.
Cute Kelly in da snow.
Il Capitano Scarabombardone. Just another Zanni twit from the Commedia dell'Arte obsession.
The Zanni Scapino. His name is derived from the Italian "scappare", which means "To Flee". Apparently. Seriously, I'm not making this stuff up!
Card design for an on-line game.
A pict of Siasa the mimic. A photoshop transperency experament.
An excersise for a class that I am teaching.
<January 28, 2002>