<October 19, 2001>
AAAAGH!!! I don't know why he's screaming, but AAAAGH!!!
It' chicken. Pretty much.
A graphite acorn woodpecker for representational drawing class. We drew it from a taxidermy mount, so if it looks DEAD that's why.
a quick reworking of some sketchbook studies. hasn't changed the fact that i'm impatient.
Ken and accomplices.
11/20/00 - The story behind the creation of this picture is too long to tell in this space. The police where involved, I'll leave it at that. Each character is copyrighted by their respective creators.
One night me and my friends Jimmy, Mark, and Doug rented some movies. We also trucked over our favorite toys. We played with everything from Mark's old Ninja Turtles to my new Gundams ('cus we's be mature like dat). I don't even remember what those movies were about...
Here's another choosen rifle yelling orders after the officers have fallen....
I was never much of a vehicle disigner! I went for camp on thiss'n.
Where ever I go there I am.......Or..Even Jerkalopes get the blues!
The light-hearted stuff is still the easiest stuff for me to get into...It's kinda like I get to be a kid again...Good times!
This stuff is fun to draw..It takes very little brain power for me to do kid style art....Good thing 'cause I'm a runnin' out of it!
I think he's a beaver???
"Acres of Skin" - inspired by the music of Fear Factory and the art of Josh Kirby. Prismacolor pencils. Side note: I'm 16 next week. Yay for me.
<October 19, 2001>