<October 18, 2001>
Part of a pic trade with Akio, fellow artist and Guilder! :)
The desperate mage raises her hands and staff, calling upon the magic swirling thingies as a last ditch effort to save herself from the hungry desert wolves. Yeah yeah, this is my last old pic!
Commissioned by Michael Russell - A rather surprised Vicki meets a realistic anthro fox, while a poor little, and totally confused fox sits under the picnic table. Please note the copyirghts onna pic! :)
This went on the beer stein I sent to my boyfriend for his 18th birthday (which is today!) He lives in Canada in case you're wondering why I sent him a stein. ;}
"God Bless America" - I've been abusing these markers far too much. The original is up for grabs on FurBid. Not like anyone would really fancy it, though.
hmmm...apparently this uploader is much too complex for lil ol' me... aduurr. (2nd try) A hormonal, grumpy, rutting iguanodon bull trees a lone velociraptor.
A picture of Heather Reedy's 'Jessup'. People tell me this one looks like it was drawn in chalk, I think it's just the poor resolution it scanned at (used a friend's scanner). This pic didn't take all that long. Few minutes to draw, half an hour to colour, but I think it turned out pretty nice. She's © Reedy.
A pic I did for Jag, who's always been one of my favourite artists that I know online, though she doesn't seem to do very much art these days. This is one of the first pictures where I had the idea to use an old sketch as the background for a finished picture instead of leaving a blank background. Jag's © Aloisio.
4/23/00 - Kinda strange for an Easter picture, but what can I say? I drew this after several failed attempts to think of a 'good' pic to draw. I wanted a weird angle, an interesting pose, a detailed environment. After giving up on that I decided just to draw a 'fun' picture and this was the result. He's supposed to be a jackal. Later on I shortened his tail and made it more jackal-esque. To this day people want to know what's with the mask.
8/16/00 - Yet another picture of Rodney the Jackal, this time I was inspired by the band 'Mr. Bungle', specifically thier song 'Violenza Domestica', and a strong desire to draw from a less used angle. Ciao.
7/19/00 - A friend asked me to draw this picture of her iguana character. This started off my big 'iguana' phase. Vyvyan © her player and all that.
A pic of me with a couple of my creations, Kawamori, Cynthia, and Vanessa. They's all (C) me.
I had to post this one of the badger as a Choosen Rifle biteing the bullet!
I just love Halloween, and here's the Moster to make sure he get's his share of the candy....
I'm always looking for humor in my drawings.... I'm sure this poor 2nd lieutenant is thinking the ground chief is going to murder him for smashing up one of his planes....
More B-boy stuff.
An assortment of kid characters....For the kids!
Volley Ball Mink.. i think. © to me
The Bears! go go go... i have no idea if a team with that name exists... in any case, pic © to me
My "dad"'s lousy rott Weiler (sp?), pic © to me
Guess why i identifyed with Hanamichi Sakuragi so much... ;-; © to me
You'll win my respect if u know from what game illustration i based this pic from. © to me
Revised version of the original beefcake.jpg. Updated the picture to fix some glaring problems with it. Anyway, hand-Photoshopped. Quick trivia: Original .PSD file is >100MB, and the image is comprised of 33 active layers (37 layers total).
It won. :P
Happy birthday my sister, my love. My heart and soul are yours forever. For my soul sister RedPaw on her 24th birthday.
<October 18, 2001>