<June 10, 2001>
"Housebroken" Tamed, soiled, and watered-down. All media has a purpose, afterall.
Just a little scribble for Jenn Miller, a fantastic artist and friend.
What? Why yes, I am feeling silly! Thanks for asking. What? Why yes, I am wearing glasses now. How'd you guess?
That Dell-Myra feud appears as healthy as ever . . . or at least as a feud can get.
Acrylics on watercolour card. Special project I was working on. I wish I had the time to correct the little anatomical errors on the blood bay before things had to be sent...ah, well. Mount Ranier in the background, as was sketched from the end of my street.
Done for my buddy Dawn, aka Ebony the were-panthress. Simple colouring technique, but effective, and she liked it :-)
Just a quick scribble with a graphics tablet. I dunno what he is, where he's going or what he's gonna do with the big stick when he gets there.
<June 10, 2001>