<June 11, 2001>
A request for a German shepard/wolf mix made earlier today. At least I feel like I did -something- today. ;)
Aric yielding his sword
Aric, hero of Furtasia, posing with sword in hand
Finally, a pic of Tag that's colored. And what a pain it was, too! 'Not my usual picture, admittedly, but I still like the colors. Ah, nice and evil-program-error-crashing Photoshop. ^_^ Tag's (C) me!
Hunting conditions call for thick fog?
A tighter rendering of Joey in transparent oils.
1/3 of a piece in progress, "The Bremen Town Musicians", in acrylics on Bristol paper. Bristol's ok, but I think from here in, I'll stick to watercolour paper for painting. In books, the dog is always depicted as a German Shorthair. Through research, I found that Weimeraners were around back then, so that's what I used.
Alaska's the order that never ends.... I've done piles of feathers. Here's a striped one, with a cougar lolling in the Spring sunshine.
Done to vent frustration at being imobolised with a sprained ankle for three days. Not really a recent picture but one I still like.
After rearing up on his hind legs to scan the distant horizon encircling him, a male desert sag goes back to making his way across the deserted desert. =P I'm not as happy with this as I expected to be, but I will note that at least the number of footprints and the lack of shading on the figure are not mistakes.
Not really new, but I never did upload it, so I suppose it's new to you.... A depiction of Amoux, drawn before I decided that she should have raptorine forelimbs. It's rather scribbly, but I like scribbly sometimes.
This is who/what I was before I decided back in December that a change was in order. Oddly, whatever unhappiness I suffer seems to build up in my alter-egos, so when I can't stand it anymore, I take on a new one. I will always have my burdens to carry, of course, but creating a new persona creates, for me, the illusion of a clean slate.
<June 11, 2001>