<June 9, 2001>
Darvan, a nefarious Golden Eagle.
For creatures that I like so much, I hardly ever draw them. So yesterday I was on this Birds of Prey kick...this is Nikolas, a Harris Hawk.
And one final birdie character, Osie, a pretty white Gyrfalcon.
Hi. I'm posting this to let those who have written me e-mail lately to know that I've received them and am greatful. But I can't reply right now due to really sore wrist from too much typing. I will eventually get back to you. Also, this here picture of Maxwell Manx is up on furbid for bid check it out. Max copyright Shawntae Howard (ouch, darn wrist)
Furtasia's very own gypsy girl, Cassandra.
Sneakers and his medication :)
He was the most handsome being I've ever met. If a picture is liken to a thousand words, it would take a thousand pictures to capture even a single moment of being in his presence. I pray that tigers will always walk among us. (ed. 200, 16"x12", canvas)
A quick (2 hours), transparent oil sketch of Joey, my malamute. He's the same one pup as "Arooo" and "Wowt!" only much bigger and much more of a muffinhead (and I mean that in the best way). :P His favorite phrase is, "I caught a train, I did!"
The soft powdery snow breaks apart like a waking dream. (ed. 500, 18"x24", canvas)
Occasionally I will read one too many graphic novels and get all fanciful and junk. And things like this happen. Well, now you know. I got some new pens, BTW. Erin is © me.
This is Snitter's cousin, from the comic. Fiar von Snitter is © me.
<June 9, 2001>