<January 12, 2001>
I've got gryphon's and snowy owls (Yay Hedwig!) on the brain, this is the result. I think in the next try I'd give Fluffy a linx or bobcat (are they the same thing?) body instead, it seems to me that the sizes would be more of a realistic fit together. This will be up at Arisia, a local sci-fi con in Boston this weekend.
I've decided to channel my hatred of Pokemon (and the knowledge that I can draw/creature-create the person responsible under the table) into something more constructive. This is one recent result: the savannah atavis (_Terravis gigas_), a bird that fills the ecological niche of the elephant. An atavism is an expression of an old, previously surpressed gene, like the fingers on the wings, if you're curious.
Wolves are boring. So I thought I'd make them more interesting by combining them with an old monster of mine with a similar body shape, the helmeted hunter. Methinks it's an improvement, but I don't know what to call the result.
I decided to create a companion for my character Ferra. She's yet to be named but © Heather Wasneuski, 2001
Well... it's been a while since I uploaded and since I keep getting pestered to upload, here you are... you know who you are... I can see you ^_~ Cybre © Heather Wasneuski, 2001... oh, and please forgive my scanner. It tried...
Well... why not. Random sketch © me.
I hope this is Yerfable... it's a furmaid :P © Heather Wasneuski, 2001
"Inari" - Portrait of the goddess of foxes and rice, who also happens to be a FurryMUCK character. Brush and ink on bristol, colored in "watercolor" and liberal use of the lasso tool in Painter Classic. Kimono design inspired by a miniature design I painted recently; background design inspired by a page from a "Cardcaptor Sakura" (CLAMP) art book. Inari (the FurryMUCK character, anyway) is © Inari, and uploaded with permission.
Cajun Blunt is an old character of mine. He is a character that struggles between good and evil.
This is Mellyora, She is a magical white wolf that is saves the day in the comicbook I am making. This picture was done in colored pencil.
This is a very new character of mine. This picture was done in Adobe Photoshop, and I think it came out pretty cool.
<January 12, 2001>