<January 11, 2001>
An idea I have of my wolf character for an image map type-thing. Once my computer decides to work again, I'll actually update my *real* website!
My baby, Aglyptinus phymaphorus. I've been working with this and a couple of other Aglyptinus species for rather a while. Ain't he just the cutest thing? (original is stippled on an enormous mylar sheet)
I didn't want to upload this one, because Silver looks all... funny. I dunno.. she just looks all wrong. :P But here it is, because I was pestered to put it up here. >.< Anyhow, this here hungover Conny is the conclusion to the drunk Conny series (tipsy Conny by me, drunk and then passed out Conny by Parrish and this is the final stage). Look how unfun it is! Don't get drunk! Yay! =) Uninked sketch, in which Conny is © to Mara Sternberg and Silver is © to me.
Just a small picture I did while passing the time beside Conny's window. She has a really nice window. =) Basically, it started out as just a sketch of Conny, but of course I had to add Silvie in the background pointing out how bad it is (in this case, the shading). Well, the shading is bad, but you can't really see that since it's a light scan. ^^ Just take my word for it. Or Silvie's. Conny © to Mara Sternberg, Silver © to me.
My Christmas present to Conny. =) It was finished the day after christmas, and I would have liked to upload it closer to then, but of course it was her present so I had to give it to her. ^~ (She scanned it, like most of the pictures with Conny in them '^^) Anyhow, like most hand coloured pictures, this one looks a lot better in real life. (Opposed to fake life. :P) Another marker and pencil crayon picture. I tried to lighten it a little in photo shop, I'm not sure if that made it look more scratchy... Conny © to Mara and Silver © to me.
Nother commission... hope the dude doesn't check this out... or else, it would ruin the "surprise factor" =o Neways, chars © Rick Causey
"Mage Alaya" - Experiment in showing "action" in perspective and effects without the character necessarily "moving" much. Colored in Painter Classic. Alaya is © Inari; image uploaded with permission. (25 Nov 2000)
"coyohti at High Noon" - Experiment in perspective drawn while hanging out at the studio; some of the buildings are roughly inspired by the facades in Frontierland at Disney World. Brush and ink on bristol. coyohti is © coyohti; image uploaded with permission. (19 Nov 2000)
twitchy and sporadic.
<January 11, 2001>