<December 9, 2000>
A piccie for Ytaya of FurryMUCK, showing her with Toast wedged into his customary spot. (kersquidge!) :) Ytaya is Copyright 2000 by her player. Toast is Copyright 2000 by John Peterson.
Here's a long overdue piccie. Sparks giving Ceyna Indigo a piggy-back ride. :) Ceyna Indigo is Copyright 2000 by her player.
Practise on colouring and drawing group pictures; Cedric, Twitch, and Spike. Bonus points if you know where the quote's from.
Ebony, ivory. It's all black and white stripes to me, and yet it's random, breathing, equine. Dig it.
Cute Abominations, something hatched by my husband and I. Meet Clovis...
Rock, paper, scissors, and the Critter Kids... Ooh. I'm having flashbacks. This would be great if the scan wasn't so crappy. I had to outline Megan's forehead in MSpaint... old, old (yet perpetually young) Characters © me
Mwahahahaa!!! If nothing else, this was a confidence-building pic... just to prove to myself that I could do something right, for a change. Okay, so it's not PERFECT, but it's close enough. I made his pants look nifty...haha! Twap, doing what I've always wanted to do (ie, jumping on somebody else's back and ordering them to give me a piggy-back ride), and her faithful erm... Xheotris are © me. (And any similarities to other similar pictures which I just now noticed, are purely coincidental! Weird...)
<December 9, 2000>