<December 8, 2000>
'Branch Politics' (Thanks to Mr. {Jeff} Rogers for the title.) Currently-abandoned acrylic needs tweaking. Turned out less weird than I would have wanted; looks a bit too wildlifey-genre-ish for comfort. Warning: very poor photograph/image quality.
A simple pink dragon drawn with mouse in photoshop as a result of boredom. :)
"Gener Ator" - Suspension ... yum yum. I want to color this someday but I'm so lazy ... I plan on making an industrial body modification porfolio in the distant future ... Hope this pic's okaie for Yerf; If not feel free to hit me over the head with a bat ... © 2000
Been lately coming up with story board ideas and brainstorming a lot lately. If ANYONE knows someone about someone named Ricky Wilde or the song "I Am An Astronaut", PLEASE let me know. I want to do a film short involving the song, but can not find out anything on it. Thanks!
Meeting in the Meadow.
The first character is a series of swordfighters. Katana © Melinda Best 2000
An illustration from the "news" section of my web site. Timulty: future yellow journalist, present-day naked raccoon child.
<December 8, 2000>