<December 10, 2000>
It's the Keenest Kat in Keenspace's birthday, and yet it's *me* with the birthday wishes. :D I hope you have an awesome birthday, magically talented cat! (Whose RL persona is one Albert Temple.)
An older drawing I've neglected for a while, but not too old. I did it in class, and I drew MoRBiD based on things I was wearing. Well... the pants, anyway. The guitar and gas mask were at home. And well.. I wore a shirt. I don't think they'd allow me in class without one. o.O Anyway, MoRBiD © Gus Kosmopoulos 2000 Yay, i found coloured pencils, once again!
Chech it out I got a commision. :o) He got the original and I made a print for myself. He'll be real thankful when I'm rich and famious.....well mabey just famious.......or not. Well he's thankful now thats good enough. Anyway its a pic for his dogs. Doug's Dogs.
Third character in the swordfighters series.Nhoir is © Melinda Best
Second character in the swordfighters series.Rhoyal is © Melinda Best
C-Group of Satin & Silk. A profile image of the six skunks that make up a class of artwork, as kids. Originally wasn't going to end up being a wallpaper... just them in color.
<December 10, 2000>