<May 15, 2000>
Here Asheru practices her lunge strikes, in front of a skeptical arms master. Pencil on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 5 / 2000
The tribe's weathered Armsmaster gives weapons instructin to Asheru, and her Brother, Shortly before they go off to visit civilization. charles bronson was the "mental hook" I had for the armsmaster's character. Pencil on Paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 5 / 2000
Asheru Sits in a field of flowers. Pencil on paper. Scott A. H. Ruggels 5 / 2000
A couple of people were curious to see some of my old stuff. here's some of the oldest I will share. This is a shot of a character from my early 80's college days, "Combat Cat". He was the main character in a strip proposal for the University's ROTC newsletter, stressing the basics of small unit tactics, through gross humor. Notice my fat ink lines and "shaded" eyes. Scott A. H. Ruggels 5 / 2000
here's a more "updated version" of the characters from that strip. The large Panther is Josiah Coffee, and Combat Cat's full name was C.C. Rodriguez, and the Hound was the smartass, but I forgot his name. I had a toonier style back then. That strip was the first "brush inked" project I had ever done. Scott A. H. Ruggels 5 / 2000
This strip is brought to you by the letters IRS. Wahhhhhh!
He sent me a neato Christmas card last year, he helped sell the book at the last Anthrocon, and he's just an all around great guy. So let's hear it for Sir Digo, most noble knight among raccoons! Hip hip!!! Digo is © Diosden Rodriguez. :)
Artillerist. Line art copy with watercolor added.
Sketch done at the Farmer's Market were my Mom sells our art (My Mom and two of my brothers art artists)
Fehnnik studies in pencil and watercolor
An old print (1990) from description in Taral Wayne's article on the life of Jasmine,"Rocky the flying -" Squirrel.
papillons may be cute as a bug, but they lack a certain Fearful Symmetry
An oil painting of Vix and Plum that I'll probably never finish.
Just a nice pic for Digo's birthday. :)
I did this pic for a little competition run by a friend of mine, based on a letter which appeared in the Kid's Supplement of a UK Newspaper... An 11 year-old girl wrote in saying she hoped that cats would someday talk. They'd wear furry pink bows in their hair, cool sunglasses with pink hearts on them, crop-tops, each chocolate cake and ice cream, and miaou all the latest tunes. Oh, and they'd also wear Lion King underwear. But I didn't fit that part in |)
This picture was done for a friend of mine. She's an Otta!
Happy biiiiiirthday, Digo!
It's an Art Exchange! It's Seph Wolfsbane! Whoo! And he belongs to PsYchOkAT! o8-D
Rabbits with a attitude. >:) Two rabbits guard a bridge.. Part of a online project I am working on. Art©2000 by Donald L. Brown .. Oldrabbit
Just trying to imagine what a friend of mine would look like as a cat. It's a really quick Painter doodle, but I kind of like it, for some reason. Meow, Matt.
<May 15, 2000>