<May 14, 2000>
A color workup of an older sketch. The eyes are absurdly large, but I like it anyway. :)
This is a pic I colored to test a weird art program I found called ArtGem.
One of those spur of the moment drawings. Happens when another is just finished and I'm still wanting to work on it even though there is nothing to do. Things like this result. Zenithe is © myself. Done in inks, markers and colored pencils.
A sketch from a little while ago (it has a little bit of inking in it) of a feral-wolfish-type gazing into the water. Sorry for that wrinkly paper look. o.O
A mother Shivae caring for her three chicks. Just preparing for my next online comic series. I don't draw my Shivae nearly enough. >:)
Limpidity #391: Tkui Tsui, Part 2
Limpidity #392: Tkui Tsui, Part 2
Limpidity #393: Tkui Tsui, Part 2
<May 14, 2000>