<October 7, 1999>
Just a cheetah doodle faces! LOVE the design!;D He'll have a name soon.
Well actually this scan looks better then the original, which tells you alot at how hard I actually tried on this pic! Oiy!;) But working with Tracy is so much fun! It's nice to draw things now I'm actually doing something with! Hmm... That didn't make any sence.. Oh well! Here's Arwin, apparently being dropped off by who knows who! And theres a distraught Dustin comin' on after her. Hey I needed someone in the background! Anyway, you all know who's © to by now!;) BYIEEE!
A brownish/bronzish sort of dragon. He looks like he's about to start explaining something..
Raini wanted pics. Raini got pics. :) This is Lis, a meerkat character of hers, doing what all meerkats do so well, looking goofy!
Second pic of Raini's adoreable self. Raini © Mel K.
Well, I was working on one of the other piccys, and Dexter's Labratory just happened to come on TV.... Coulda been worse, it coulda been Pokemon! :) Deedeenated Raini © Mel K.
"If you're not one of're one of them."
A pic that I had to re-upload. It's Kardia and Elena (left to right) in kimonos. The coloring was all done with God-forsaken Corel Photo Paint 5. Still, I like this one yery much. (Thanks Dan)
This young skunk is the star player on her soccer team. I bet they win too. :) Art ©1999 by Donald L. Brown (Oldrabbit)
<October 7, 1999>