<October 8, 1999>
More dresses? And fans? Yep, May the Panda has lots of stuff, but has a large amount of her Chinese dresses :) May the Panda is copyright © Ben Rodriguez AKA Redoxen
Edited for Yerf, Two friends of mine asked me to draw their characters in a loving embrace. They liked it. Sal Demeiter and Kysa Whitefang © their Players, and artwork © Colleen Phillips (me) If you want to see the picture in it's whole: E-mail me.
Brush-pen pic of a distraught cat and a little accident with the professor's laptop.
I'm *happy* with this one. I think it's my best Chespi picture ever, even if it's a pose I've already done..sortakinda. I finally figured out how to use my Prismacolor markers properly, but I've had em for like a year! Yeah..I like how this came out. I like her clotheses. Chespi's © yu know whu.
A new pic of John (the law-enforcing gun-slinging raccoon). And about time too. This was also an experiment in transparency masks. No pun intented!
Ever edited in Premiere before? This fur has... Just an expression doodle focused from a multi-week long bout between myself (who certainly does not claim to be an editor) and a piece of software (that claims much about being an editing program, but falls far short). I suppose we must also note, that Avid is no better about leaving your hard-won files alone after a crash.
More expression studies... Seeing if I can pull off something not usually within my range.
Just a very gentle poke at Pepe's driving style. Actually he wasn't anywhere near this hazardous on the road. And I very much appreciated his hospitality. :) Mr. Val Pew is © Mr. Hopkins.
Remember when I had time to turn out pics this good all the time? *sigh* Maybe my free time situation'll get better. Anyway, here's a little request pic from the friendly froggie Karma (© Katie P.) to cheer up her Max (© Maki T.) Kinda proud of this one. I played lots of Erich Korngold romantic movie themes (particularly "Escape Me Never") while drawing this one. :)
Here's uhhh, a drawing. not too much I can put in here. appologies for the lack of a lengthy desc here. not too much I can say about this one.
.... *shrugs* i dunno.
A new character for the Lurid Tales of Jagged Youth crew, he's mine kids.
I like the dog.
I don't normally upload pencil sketches, but I like the way this one turned out. I've been studying Burne Hogarth's "Dynamic Figure Drawing" book, and this is the very first result. All right, it's not quite correct yet, but I'm getting there. So, here is Lind in swimming trunks, looking a bit confused at the rules of a new pool, and showing most of his fur pattern. I couldn't show his complete pattern as that would be non-Yerfable, right Sully? 8-{)
<October 8, 1999>