<October 5, 1999>
I'm tellin' you one thing! Fox is one hard sob to draw! WHEW! But You all must have pity, this is only the second or third time I've drawn him! I might ink this one, i dunno.. Anyway, Fox is © to Tracy Butler so nya! And if you steal it She'll sik me on ya!>:D
God only knows what Dustin did to deserve this! Hehe, Arwin seems to get off on beatin' on this guy. He outta kick her butt! She'd probubly like it though knowing her..;) Anyway, Dustin is © TRACY and Arwin © ME!
Poor poor Arwin, displeased about something. Doodled this tonight after being totally bummed out *sigh* Life can be rough sometimes.
Solaris, who is © by her player.
A random Vanessa, all tech-ed out and ready for some firearm mayhem. Just whipped up while I was trying to figure out the next part of her story. She's (C) me.
I was looking through some old drawings and I found this marker drawing of a wolf. Then I thought "wait, this is actually pretty cool". Amazing what you can do with only two colors.
Here is a young raccoon that likes to play catch with his friends. He like most of us, uses his paws as he talks. Art©1999 By Donald L. Brown
<October 5, 1999>