<September 21, 1999>
"The name is Krayzie, big bad-ass bone. Wanted up North for the gold that I stole..." Sparky...yet AGAIN sporting his fav look.. the "Ghetto Cowboy." Sparky--© me. Quote from the song "Ghetto Cowboy" by Mo Thugs.
Did you kno Sparky's also a Limp Bizkit fan? I have that hat he's wearing. :) Who doesn't love Limp Bizkit? Now can anyone give me tickets to the "Family Values" tour? Umm... I'm getting off track here...
Sparky the Foxx, who's quite the 2pac fan. This pic was entirely drawn and colored in PEN..yes PEN. I get bored sometimes. Hehe! Sparky © me
Here's a cute li'l angel puss, but I can't think of a name for her just yet...
Ooohoohoohoohoo, this is gonna be fun.
Heres one of Tracy Butler's characters, XAPHAN! He's always so happy isn't he?;)
This was done for a program cover for a coronation in SCA. Winged tiger and sable swan. Done in ink, and was originally on white paper, but I'm not gettin' the original back so this has been through the scanner and copier a couple times. Still turned out nice, I guess. =o) Image copr. me, of course.
Hey all... I'm still alive. Here is a part of a larger drawing I am working on. Any comments welcome, flames are unwelcome. :) Pinfire is © Colleen Phillips (me)
"Who ya gonna call?!" (C) Columbia Pictures.
Vanessa's new partner, Jarvis Besson. I've finally gotten around to putting up that story I've had for Vanessa, if you're interested it'll be posted at PLEAAAAAASSSEEEE give me feedback!
A Vanessa pic for my new furry story webpage. It's posted at It's my first story like this, so feedback would be great. It's not all done yet, but I thought I'd get cracking.
Scott Alston REALLY liked this picture. He thought that Galexia looked like THEE dream girl (and not because she does live in the dream realm). So, here is a nice head shot of Galexia I drew. I too also like this one :) The colouring coulda been better, but the picture couldn't have turned any better then this :) Galexia c. to me. Yup.
Twister: The Saga Begins. Listening to Wierd Al's Song "Twister" gave me inspiration. Thus, i'm doing a Twister series of pics. My first targets just HAD to be Rage and Vivian. I don't think Rage likes the position he's in so far. Vivian looks a little edgy. I don't think they like this game AT ALL. Rage and Vivian c. to me. Twister c. to Milton Bradley.
Continuing the Twister Saga: Uh oh. Poor Fate got stuck playing Twister with Dexter. MUST he put his arm (?) around HER to get to left-hand-green? And look. He's giving her a thumbs up. NOT GOOD. Oh god Dexter. DON'T get any hormones mixed in with this game...PLEASE. Dexter c. to me. Fate c. to Steph Ratte. Twister c. to MB.
Continuing the Twister Saga: Graymalkin and Hecate playing Twister. Something tells me the Queen of Witches isn't one fer board games. ESPECIALLY not Twister. She doesn't like what her sidekick, Graymalkin is doing. I don't think he likes Twister either. Wouldn't blame him. Playing it with a nag like Hecate would drive anyone mad. Yes, the poses in this pictures are suppose to look..sumwhat...gross. Gray and Heccie c. to Steph Ratte. Twister c. to MB.
Continuing the Twister Saga: Uh oh. It's Mac and Ajax playing Twister. Not good. First off, Mac DEFINATELY doesn't like were Ajax's hand is going. But then theres Ajax going "But I got left hand green!!!". Then theres Mac "OH NO YOU DON'T! You'll end on top of me!!!" The descript I wrote on me page fer this one is better, but anyhoo. There WILL be more Twister pics, my friends...These two mongrels c. to me. Yup. Twister to MB.
Morton goes huh? A little picture of my character done in Painter mostly with the waxy crayon.
Okay..well, it looks stupid because I chopped half of it off...and I scanned it kinda crooked too...but since I have to get up and go to work in a few hours, I should just give it up =) Since people asked, yes, Leandra has hair...her character has had hair for a long time (not when I first invented her, though) but I hardly ever draw her...and when I do, she's wearing that veil thingy. So anyway...goodnight
An older image of mine which I sold at the last AC. I still think it looks rather nice though technique-wise so I uploaded it. What do you think? If you're interested, I do have prints of this piece for sale...just email me!
Cyprian getting a bit too touchy feely with Sinyx..if I ever got around to drawing the next second of this scene it would probably be too violent for Yerf anyway >:)
Another character of mine from "Kurai"...he's a pretty mysterious fellow who pops up much later in the story; so for now you'll be kept guessing.
Everyone keeps asking for more babies. Sigh. Here's a baby. Are ya all happy now? Can I move on? Thank you. She's © me.
<September 21, 1999>