<September 20, 1999>
Pic for Ciseal done a few months ago, prismas and watercolors..But anyway,I hope she'll like it. Ciseal © herself
OK This is what Candy use to look like, hairdoo wise AND she did use to be a rabbit as well. Oh well, what ru gonna do?;)
Limpidity #351: The Jungle
Limpidity #352: The Jungle
Limpidity #353: The Jungle
Cuttin it close at 196k (warning! warning!), but it has a point. Thank God, they finally caught Joan Riley and slapped her in the slammer for this terrible abuse. Anyways... Image © Susan Quigley 1999. Gee, those kitties look familiar... o.O
No, that is NOT a Pokemon ;p it's Joey's pillow, Fluffy. Long story. Anyway, people asked me for more pics of Joey so here ya go, people. Joey and Fluffy © me.
ARGH! Run! Hide! It's the girl with the potato nose! Yes, this is what I really look like. Don't stare, it's rude :p I'm © me, I guess.
<September 20, 1999>