<September 22, 1999>
small pic of Ari I did once. © me
Commissioned pic of Tanya, it was too big to be all scanned, so its missing a bit of the bottom and stuff. So.. Tanya © [email protected]
Nightstrike, the black dragoness of FurryMUCK. My half of an art trade. I hope the night/moon/building background isn't getting old, it just seemed appropriate. :P Nightstrike © her player. (re-uploaded because the original was a bit too dark)
I wanted to draw a pic of Pipix doing some thing naughty and well...look at him! The evil little demon chechire is © Jenifer Brown.
MY Very first pic ever of Candy I did in freshman year. I had my whole class helping me! She's changed a bit..;)
Well it's a HORRIBLE scan but today at work I decided to color my Cass pic! It turned out ok, i'm not too good with colored pencils and watercolor:P
Another piece of the picture I'm working on with that mouse I uploaded a few days ago. I don't know if I'm going to actually finish it for a while...
A cockatrice water mage, practicing her art at the shore. No generic floating balls of magical energy here. And - look! I can use colored pencils! Somewhat, at any rate.
Something else. A hurried ink doodle on actual paper. Or whatever.
A surfing animal. He's pretty good at it, or so I hear.
<September 22, 1999>