<May 16, 1999>
"Butterfly" - A gift for Isomorph's 17th birthday. He's got a butterfly between his eyes! The scanner kinda ate some of the detail, tho.
New picture of me w/my sweetie right before Senior Ball. I'm the weird looking on in the red ;o) me © to a mysterious higher power...
'tis how i feel being able to enjoy my first real day off in a loong time! Feelin' the sun on my face and the grass on my toes!
The princely procyon celebrates his 21th natal day (or, rather, has already celebrated it.. wanted to finish it yesterday but stuff happens :P) Happy Bithday, Digo. :)
Just a simple little sketch I inked over a month ago when I had time to do stuff. :) Now that I look at it, I note that my perspective is massively off and another future image done a little differently will be in the works. >:)
It's a picture I'm working on...still need to ink and paint it--that ought to take a few years :P What's with all the fancy armor? It'd be a whole lot easier if they just wore jeans and t-shirts ;) And if you're wondering why you can't see parts of their feet, it's because they're standing in snow...just so you know I didn't forget that they have feet and anyway, Orobas, Mannix, Xaphan, and Astaroth are © me
I told you I had a demented mind, CatsWhisker. 8-{)
<May 16, 1999>