<May 15, 1999>
Ah, no more exams, no more term papers..I shall now be getting on to my backlog of request pics and commissions, but first- one of those stress-relieving kitties! Ink 'n' watercolor, on Bristol.
A solem welcoming into a not so secret fellowship. Sully is copyright S. Ars... S. Arsua.. Erg. His player, okay? I spent FOREVER colouring this. I think I'm getting the hang of it
playing with new styles, and here's the result of foolin' around! :P If you took Brahm Stoker's Dracula and crossed him with Jenner (Secret of NIMH) here's what you'd have.
He's a bubbling ol' Sidartha type. Master of the "Drunken Dragon" style of Kung-fu. He'll set you on the path of wisdom and make you think the decisions were all yours.
Hmm..Well, first it was spidies, and now, we got flies/whatnot...Meet Inferno, the Firefly! I didn't know what fireflies looked like, so i just compromised. Anyways, Inferno is a pretty kooky guy, active, and stuff. He's also fast, and travels at lightspeed, leaving a trail of fire behind him. Hmm..Reminds me of Freakazoid..(I coincidence!) There is more to this guy, but I can't tell you everything in the space me have. Anyways, he's pretty cute for a fly too...Inferno c. to me. Yup.
Oh look! more Y2K series pics! This one is Calico's. At first, I said "This one sux!", but then when I coloured it and stuff, i saw the light, and I like this one. The colouring is nice and stuff. Same with the effects. The pose is pretty cute too. The shoes are cool...Anyhoo, this one is cute :) Calico is c. to me. Yup.
Well, here is Dexter's pic for the Y2K series i'm doing. I was having problems thinking up a pose for him, so this is what I came up with. He's cute in this. The colours and effects are nice too :)Anyways, cute pic :) Dexter c. to me. Yup.
Noah's pic for the Y2K series. Quite pleased with this one. I wanted sumthing different, so I made him an angel...since the real him is an angel...that and I had a cool idea for what the pose was gonna look like, and it was meant to look similar to the current pose in the pic. Kinda looks like he's walking on air... I didn't know where to put the rest of his arms, so it might look like he doesn't have hands :p Anyhoo, me like this pic :) Noah c. to Steph. Yup.
I'll never do a Celtic knot like -that- again...cripes! Well, anyway, at least look at took a while ^_~ It's just a more updated picture of Cassy...I hadn't drawn her in a while, and that other portrait type picture of her was just..bad =) Gouache-- Cassy © me
Bunny Races. I hope they win. :) Rabbits are good at running. Bunnys Series. Art ©1999 by Donald Brown (Oldrabbit)
<May 15, 1999>