<January 22, 1999>
Here's the last of the jackal comix. Franklin Snarl is my all time favorite video game villian. He came from a game called Tass Times in Tonetown. Anybody remember this game? Anubi and Shaila © me. I don't know who Faranklin Snarl is ©. Page 2 is coming right up.
Page 2 of Interview with Franklin Snarl. I'm trying to think which furry he should interview next. Any ideas? Anibi and Shaila © me. I still don't know who Franklin Snarl is ©. Stay outta ToneTown or you'll be gett'n fed to the crocogators!
I'm riding across the ocean on something's back. I don't even WANT to know what that is. Kelvin is me and is © me. I'm getting to like markers.
A while back in 98', I started doing a series of furry sketches based on popular extreme sports such as skateboarding,surfing,that kind of stuff. Among the more recent ones are these Snowboarding-based sketches, and I might as well put these up before they get too old an' stuff.BTW,a little trivia for you:Erik here's actually a revived basketball-playing fur I drew way back around 94'.The rest of the Snowboard Sketch series are new.Erik's©me.*1-of-4*
A while back in 98', I started doing a series of furry sketches based on popular extreme sports such as skateboarding,surfing,that kind of stuff. Among the more recent ones are these Snowboarding-based sketches, and I might as well put these up before they get too old an' stuff.BTW,a little trivia for you:Erik here's actually a revived basketball-playing fur I drew way back around 94'.The rest of the Snowboard Sketch series are new.Erik's©me.*1-of-4*
Part of the Snowboarding Sketch series.I think I was thinking 'Alaskan-Canadian' race when Victor came to mind(What can I say?I love international characters!)Victor's©me.*2-of-4*
Part of the Snowboarding Sketch series.I still don't know wether to classify her as a Rockhoper or a Macaroni penguin.I'll go with Rockhopper just in case(and yes I KNOW Rockhoppers are from South America and stuff.No need to nitpick)Natasha's©me.*3-of-4*
Part of the Snowboarding Sketch series.Um...I always wanted a char named 'Jo',I guess.Oh and before you ask...I did the 'boards from memory and don't know beans on how to snowboard,seeing as it doesn't SNOW here and all =P .Jo's©me.*4-of-4...WHOA!I ACTUALLY FINISHED SOMETHING!*
This is how I felt earlier this month. Come to Illinois! We gots lotsa snow!
AltarSkunk visits his friend Elaura who is suffering from the flu...and now from the musky ministry of her stinky friend!
Dedicated to the memory of the Quagga, a zebra-horse hunted to extinction in the last 2 centuries. On a lighter note, the theme of this pic is veiny line pattern
One of the newest Yerflings, Hedgy, did a truly wonderful pic of herself and the Kids, telling them the story of the coyote who painted the moon. Many thanks Hedgy. :) However, the Kids often draw conclusions that can't be predicted.. and since the only Coyote they know is Nate, well... (BTW, I think Nate called his FST char. Adm. Slackbar, with an L, but the Kids insist it's Snackbar, so...) <:)
Re-uploaded in full color! Yay. This shows what Elementimals do most of their time - nonsense. o8-) And they're © me, hah!
Awwww! It's Draven...Sinyx's cute, yet mischieviously sarcastic kitty. Just some sketches, but I still like 'em lots!
Heh heh... foolin' around with colored pencils. This little guy's head and body were actually drawn seperately and then tacked together in PSP. And he *does* have wings... they just don't... stand out. The little Frankenducky is © me.
Rooooooooooock LOBSTER!
He's not exactly built right, and he's a little over-highlighted, but, heck -- I think he's cute. :)
<January 22, 1999>