<January 21, 1999>
Fan Art! Tracy Butler's snarly leopard, Xaphan, threatens...someone. I know the coloring job is rough, but I own a small handful of Prismacolor brush pens and that's it for markers. It doesn't help that this is my first attempt at marker coloring. :P Hey, I mean well! Xaphan © the *wonderful* Yerfer artist, Hali!
Everything you know is wrong. Black is white up is down and short is long, and everything you used to think was so important doesn't matter cause everything you know is wrong. If this pic doesn't make sense to you, that's because everything you know is wrong. meat bunny © me
Men can be indecisive too. Anubi and Shaila © me. Of all these costumes the zombie seems to be the most popular. Jon Talbain is the werewolf from Darkstalkers and yes, he really is blue.
Ben Bruin asked to see my rendition of the redneck fox twins Nip and Tuck. Who's most likely to see a ufo? Probably these guys. They're © Ralph Hayes Jr.
RazBerri asked me if I could draw her so here she is. She'd fit right in with the roos from Macropod Madness. She's a macropod. She's named after a fruit. She's unusually colored, just like my roos.© Erin Vernon.
"Aaggh!!! I didn't know them fireslingers could rebound! Run mates!!!" Ajax is © me 99. ;) Alright, so he's been revamped in this pic, he looked *hack* in them old pics...
Happy Belated birthday Dave. Terra holding a dragon with a small poem done by me.
A slightly older pic of Lillian. I actually don't despise it as much with that quick and cheap coloring job. Lillian © me
Here's a better scan of Roxiana, the swashbuckling vixen who's © Thomas Pluck! Done in markers and a hint o' pencil. Do not alter, distribute, or any of that kind've stuff that'll land you in hot water.
A commissioned picture of a surfing wolf, done in a logo/cartoony style.
A cat in deep thought (or sleep), vaguely inspired by Rodin's well-known statue "The thinker".
This is a commissioned picture of Valdena the rabbit. She's doing some mountain climbing...
I'd been working on rendering Barclay Johnson's 1999 model of the Bigfella Machine for his birthday pic. But he said he's becoming inclined toward having B-Artisan as his Yerf representative. And well he should, for Capellans are neat. :) Happy B-day, B.J. (And Emily Stoll too.. yeek! All these b-days at once!)
Well, my first pic of Cathy wasn't that good, and it also was "too Sonic" to put here, so here's another one that's hopefully more yerfable. o8-} Cathy is © herselfens
You know that "W" is the nicest, most quiet guy of the four LMNTmals, right? (Well, he does LOOK nice, doesn't he?) But he's got a little persona-problem. You know what happens to water around a too cold place. Yep, this is "I", the not-really-evil, but quite a bit more cranky half of "W". Poor fish, it didn't know what awaits it when it moved in.. Oh yeah, LMNTmals are © meeeeee!
Just a happy fox :) Hey!, I just added a furry forum to my page! Please stop by and post. Make it a great place to meet new people and help out your fellow furry. Peace.
"Hey you! What're ya lookin at?!Dont make me throw this protein drink atcha! Dern wipper snappers!" Lion© me and the old furries home....ever want to draw your characters OLD? hehe just a thought. feel free to contribute..
<January 21, 1999>