<January 6, 1999>
- The Arabian unicorn is called the karkadann - a fierce fighter with a bellow that frightened the birds and a wrathful temper that kept almost all animals well away. Descriptions and images of the animal range from wolf-like to cow-like, so this is my take on the beast.
- This started just a doodle that turned out really nice so I decided to use it amoungst my web designing.
- This lovely wolf is Zabrina which I have not yet decided to do with the l looking shape. Probably end up in psp messing with it.
- This lovely wolf is Zabrina which I have not yet decided to do with the l looking shape. Probably end up in psp messing with it.
- In stark contrast to the last picture comes this one. I'm hoping it's not too grisly for you guys. Before you go thinking I'm some kind of freak, I swear I didn't make this character up. There's this RPG, see? From Steve Jackson, I think. It's called Nightspawn, and there's random tables involved. To make a long story short, Mike ended up with a purple anthro panther with attack intestines. I drew this for him as a birthday present.
- This is kind of a trip down memory lane for me. I recently got back in touch with a friend I'd lost track of, your very own Mason. I was reminded of this picture I'd drawn for him, a character on a now-defunct muck, which he practiced colouring on, to very good effect. I was, and still am pleased with the stained glass window effect on the 'M', to the point I thought I'd share it. (You guys will never see here the absolute garbage from the same time period I did. :P ) Meadowlight is © Shawn Leedy. Go to his site if you'd like to see the coloured version.
- No one ever draws Mim, which I think is a real shame 'cos I think she's neat! Drawn on 2 ply hot pressed Bristol Board and coloured with Prismacolor markers. The colours got well and truely mangled by my lame-ass scanner, sorry. Mimsy © Scotty Arsenault
- Wally, Morton's nephew, as seen in Limpidity, is now in his own color picture.
- Modern Dooky, oi. Anyone else feel like drawing their char abstract?
<January 6, 1999>