<January 2, 1999>
"So anyway, I dated Wonderbread for awhile but then his head got too big for the rest of'im so I dropped him like a hot pita and then---Herm? Ya listenin'?" requested by HermesBabe on AOL.
happy birthday, nimbl!! *huggles* this picture shows the amazing finnish white artist cat ( keeping shalian's house warm at his birthday party two years ago.
"Vortex Orb" - The result of listening to "The Plagues" on the Prince of Egypt soundtrack too much. Just a little spurt of wild creativity.
Yesterday, I paid a surprise visit to Yiffnet courtesy of Lindgold whose home I was visiting on my New Zealand holiday tour. When Lindy announced that he had guests, Trixi immediately guessed that it was me, much to my surprise. This picture was inspired by that moment. Happy Birthday, Trixi! Hugs and purrs from your Aussie chakat friend! (Trixi © C.Lewin, Goldfur © B.Doove)
And now for something completely different. I'm fond of this drawing, mostly for the character herself. A lot of characters I make up are based on taking pun-names, or words that sound good together, and building the character up around the name. In this case, Melody Malady. I envisioned someone who means well, but whom trouble tends to fall around. With some input from a chum, she eventually turned into this furry version of Calamity Jane, contemplating a shot of whiskey while leaning into some lines that suggest a barroom.
This is a pencil drawing of Clovis, a rat, and a favorite character of mine, rather more buff than I usually draw him. He's getting ready for Yerf tryouts by building up the ol' paper-clamping arm with some one-armed pushups. A german shepherd instructor from Yerf times him. Oh, and there's some token effort at background junk. This is a reasonably good idea of how realistic or gritty I can get, which isn't saying much, but I'm working on it.
Glumilan the Hydra sings art-related cadance while he marches (slithers?) in more Yerf basic training. This is about mid-range on the 'seriousness' gauge of stuff I do. It's also an example of something I've (messily) inked. The hand-heads look a bit more annoyed than I intended them to be, but my friend Yamaneko pointed out that just about anyone would be angry after carrying a rifle in his teeth for 20 miles.
I introduce the birthday bunny to the joys of remote control flying. Now if she'll only watch where she flies that thing.
Happy Birthday Trixi. Hope you have a nice one. Trixi is of Course © Candy Lewin.
A fox's head on a game piece.
Mouser, of Spindizzy, in his winter pelage.
Tuesday of Spindizzy, in her current state of being.
Aww, a cute little cartoon beaver. Please be sure your teeth are sound so the cavities don't set in too quick... Beaver © good ol me...
A foxy guy tripping over a rock. Ok, but where did the rock come from?
This is a creature I created, called a Lyffin, a lynx griffin. No wings? Well, they're hidden under his mane... Looks PO'd, eh?
This is a character I created long ago, who has gone thru a BIG revamp... I present to you, Ming-Soo, the siamese...
Wichita is a bit too new, architecturally, to have very many gargoyles, so I'm lucky to be able to see this fellow from my office window. I love him - there is a great deal of detail to his face, and depending on the light he looks terrified, surprised, ferocious or bored. He's also quirkily asymmetrical, and someday I'll camp in the office two doors down and sketch him head-on.
Number 4: The Egyptian Rousette. Districution: Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, the Nile Valley, Arabia and the Near East. This is the classic bat found in Ancient egyptian artwork, and originally discovered in the great pyramids. In my opinion, one of the two good-looking bats in existance (the other being the Indian flying fox)
Yeah, heck of a Happy New Year...
"Looking forward to the Day..." 6 December 1998 is the Second Sunday of Advent and AltarSkunk reads from the book of the Prophet Isaiah (Chapter 11, verses 1-10). May this holiday season bring you Peace!
<January 2, 1999>