<December 21, 1998>
Well here's Jesse's Christmas pic... it's rather large because I didn't want to ruin the quality too much. The two characters: 1... obviously Sox and 2. The secondary character Schooze. Both are in the comic strip "The Color of a Mirror" (or T-Coam as me and my friends call it) which WILL be syndicated gol'dern it!!! Maybe only in 10 to 20 papers and once a week, but it will be syndicated gol'dern it! Just mail me if you want to see the stips: !!!
No more mister nice pigeon! (no, it's just his overreaction of the day) Bojopigeon © his player
Ark asked me if I could help him redesign his character slightly. Well this was one of the results I really liked, so I colored it. We're not sure if we want to stick with it though. Anyways, so a older version of Ark w/o his usual red cape. O.O you can actually see his earring this time. Ark -c- himself.
A new pic of Justin! It's about time. Justin once again likes to show off his magical skills, this time using Salamando and Undine. He's © me... or something. :)
Oooh! Nice little werewolf pic. Here for your enjoyment! This is actually supposed to be me (I think). Oh well. This guy's ready to kick some...
This reminds me. . . . I haven't fished in over six months.
Nothing like a cold eggnog through a straw. Huh Vix?
Part of a pic exchange with Kelly Hamilton, this is a pic of her char Marissa. I thought she looked purty nifty, but I sorta messed up her fur color. Oh well! Hope ya like, Kelly!
This is a picture of Bethany Slipsunder the 'coon and her brother Lucas Slipsunder the collie from the collaborative story/art site Waterwings. They are standing in front of the resort greenhouse. Both characters are copyrighted to the site. (See for more info)
This is a picture of everyones fav scoundral of a sable Constantine Darkheart, with his half-zebra/half-sable daughter Epiphany. They both are from and are copyrighted to a story site called Waterwings. (The site is located at
This is a picture of Vircoo the skunkroo and his pal Nikki!
Requested pic of Dragonfly (character copyright Angi Broadbent)...anime style (whee). She kinda reminds me of...Lina Inverse? Oops...oh well. Done in gouache ^_^
<December 21, 1998>