<December 20, 1998>
Well, I guess it's a bit too late ta call this pic a b-day pic,'s a normal pic of Missy.=) Happy I-have-no-idea-how-belated b-day, Missy!!!!^.^ *HuGz* Hope it wuz a great one! An' just in case I don't have time to put up a holiday pic fer everyone, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!=D Missy (C) spiffilerous Sara Hammond.=) Drawn b-fore I saw Missy's new look.=P Sorries.<=)
Sneakers spending time playing the N64
Sneakers ready for the Christmas holidays.
Eeeew! Had to get ridda some of my old pics here. Nasty lookin' things... Here's a request I did recently. Tryin' to get the hang of these nifty coloring programs... and no, I didn't draw that fire myself. Got it from SOME place on the net... Anyways, nobody remember those old pictures! It was aaaall a dreeeam... oh, and Marton here is © Jason Chen, nice feller 'ee is! BTW, If I ditched anyone's char. pics, tell me. I'll do a new one for ya's.
A bunch of little pictures I did that will be separated on my web page...eventually. I dunno why I uploaded it, but I did :) They're meant to have text on them, so that's why they make no sense. It's Fox at the top, Dustin (looking like he's going ot punch someone...probably Fox ^_~), Luna, Tess (I don't like that one), a stupid looking landscape, Regin kissing Leandra's hand, Max, Cassy, and Griffin.
I was a bit late..But Here is a wish to all from the Bunnykids ,and me to have a great holiday season.And a special wish to my friends. Art,and Bunnykids ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
I've owed Moon Wang a pic for a long time now and wanted to do something special. Seeing as I never could draw either of her characters in her style without them looking diseased or something I opted for this... How does Santa sneak around your house being so fat an all? He has the very stealthy Suru around to help out :) One of MW very cool, but lesser known characters. I hope the anime-ish, anthro, inturpretation is ok with you MW. © on the pic.
<December 20, 1998>