<December 22, 1998>
This was done for Glumilan's Booga Challange. The idea wa to draw your character, or someone else's endorsing cereal, and I figured, what would be the most natural cereal for a wolf to sponsor? Art ©RIchard Bartrop as is Lord Grey.
NO-EL NO-EL,Speed's da 'O' in NO-EL...And since I can't sing worth beans so I'll shut up now, OH-WELL!
THE OMEGA SISTERS,the Maximal version of All Saints(Or something...)drawn anthro-like.We got Jaderunner(ANOTHER Procompsognathus char?!)Quicksand...again(Long-eared Jerboa)Spynwheele(African large eared Hedgehog)Gazella(Transmetal-Thompson's Gazelle)Phalanga(Sugar Glider)and Skyvixen(Fuzor-Bat eared Fox/Flying Fox).All©me*WHEW!*
An incident from very early in my career that Ben Bruin forgot to mention. Good thing I found the page that says "SPREAD YOUR WINGS, IDIOT!!"
"Mistletoe, Angelskunk? So THAT'S how you got on both the naughty and nice lists!" Season's greetings from AltarSkunk and Angelskunk! May you have a joyous and merry Christmas!
Final Fantasy Tactics anyone? Was thinking of Miluda (SP?) from that game as I was drawing this, mixed in with Oni's own armor. Few color changes and designs her and there. Oni -c- herself. FFT -c- SQUARESOFT of course!
Pic I drew as a Christmas present to a friend.
Here's the delightfull new femme roo I've drawn out. Supposedly my finished design for my costume I'm going to make.
Happy Holidays everybunny!
The first panel of my tiny first comic. Now that I see just how much work doing comics is, my respect for comic creators only increased. Mental note: must buy more comics. Yappy Holidays!
My half of an art exchange: Orange, the candy-loving kangaroo, with a candy cane. By the way, happy holidays to everyone! Character is © Chris Farrington (Kelvin the Lion)
Missy's new look... this one makes her look like Rei Ayanami.. o.O; She's © me.
My friend Adelor. Ain't he cute? :)
Awww, AWWWW! AWWWWWWW! It'' Logozo! Awwwww! That's beyond cute! Logozo © Dave Sauve, artwork © me.
<December 22, 1998>