<November 17, 1998>
Hysteria drew one. Now it's my turn. A thank-you pic of Steven J. Nutsy, in exchange for the Squonk picture he did long ago. Or at least it seems long ago. Was it less than a year? The perpetual tourist squirrel is © Matthew Miller. :)
"Crappy Photo" - Lanara gets her driver's permit and Inhandra gets her license. On the same day! While Inhandra fusses over how crappy her photo is on that lil' card, Lanara suddenly snatches the show as she plows through the area, screaming, "CAR!!"
It's a working class fennec fox, nice boots. :)
A rather old pic of some grumpy tiger late fer his bus. Man, you can really see the difference between your old and new art!
"How can you just walk away from me, when all I can do is watch you leave Cos we've shared the laughter and the pain, and even shared the tears You're the only one who really knew me at all"-Phil Collins.Hope you're reading this,luv...
Vhwoop-teeeee! Surprise upload of something done entirely in Photoshop and Illustrator. (Corythosaurus in Illustrator, rest in Photo.) Maaaay try it soon as I earn money for a compu + Photoshop + Illustrator...
Another dragon. This one isn't in crayon. My sister stole my crayons, and se refuses to admit that she has them... geez, little sisters can be a pain sometimes...
A fennec character from a friend's dream.
Just doodling some head sketches of a cartoon rat. :)
Being a warrior has it's benefits but some days it just pays not to get out of bed.
Another drawing of ShadowPaw giving his mother a silent farewell. She died giving birth to him...sad I know but it's part of the story line of ShadowPaw's life.
greywulf is actually only a wolf but I wanted to see what she looked like as a werewolf and didn't do too bad of a job. The other three wolves are her first litter of cubs. I really like though how Shetan turned out. Hope ya enjoy.
As Per Trixi's request... :) Happiness is... Having my little girl. (Also didn't I draw in your sketch book Trixi?) Of course, I can say a lot more; like having friends, family, and everything else. :)
I took my time to color this Xia Mira Picture. Xia is depressed... don't ask me why. I used chalk pencils. Xia © me
Second part of my sblind.jpg pic. Poemy thing once again by Oni. And once again I took some extra time and really tried to make it good quality work, after some nice comments from someone *you know who you are =)* reminded me of some things. me -c- me of course =P
Okay. had troubles uploading this one ;( so here's the first of the Bus Stop series thing. I can't draw tofu that's been in topperware (SP?) long enough to evolve movement capabilities. But the rest is good! At least I took my time on this one. Oni and Chaonen-sama -c- themselves. Soca -c- me
5-3 of the bus stop series. skipped 4-3 'cuz it's better for burning =P Looks like there was a tornado and Go Ryusake (SP?) and PI Blueangel are caught in it! I like how I colored Go's clothing, came out all right. Angel's really cute!
Pic of Silent Red, the schlockfox/psychowoozle and formerly owner of the WeaselOak Treehouse. Silent Red is copyright herself.
Pic of Sonarr, FurryMUCK's High Priestess of Baseball. <grin> Sonarr is copyright herself.
"Why for you want to hurt my wittle fwends?"
Susandeer being evil to Critter! Based on an actual incident on Yiffnet. <grin> Susandeer and Critter are copyright themselves.
"All is well and calm" thought Mary as she strolled. She never took to stride the fact that Tiki can be cold.
A picture of a character of mine, Cassy, sitting on some vines or ivy or something...heh. It's done in gouache...very very watered down gouache. It looks like a watercolor...oops. Well, anywho...that's Cassy.
It's Ronwe...yes, he's a He's not an important character...but I drew him anyway ^_~
Tefnet and Sekhmet--they're Egyptian, and um, I dunno what they're doing exaclty...I had a bit of trouble erasing around Tefnet's hand--so it looks kinda funny. Oopsie. (Result of very brief infatuation with Egyptian stuff)
*more* characters...(whee!) Looks really anime-ish...not sure I like it. Hrmmm. Tess (nasty attitude cat) and Luna (shifty gypsy bunny girl).
Xaphan--he's one of my favorite characters. This picture is kinda old, but that's okay. Xaphan is disturbingly violent and psychotically vicious, probably due to a lack of sanity. I think I'm like that sometimes >:)
((((GOTCHA!!!)))) she says. I bet he got some grey hairs in his fur over that. :) I bet he has done the same to her.. Bunnys Series..© B.S.M. Oldrabbit..
Yet another random little hyena cub - this time standing. Yay! Fun with 'yenas!... ... Okay, settle down, now. :) He's © me, I suppose.
Its da Chilly Mouse! In return for the awesome pics of Isis she made! I'm finally catching up on requests too, so anyone whose waiting patiently for me (thanks:), I should have some of your promised pics up today/tonight. Also, if you've e-mailed me and I havent responded yet, I will soon!;) Oh!And Chilly is © the kewl Erika Leigh Rosengarten!
Its the noble Sir Kain!! I tried out a lightning effect in this one....dont know if I'm too pleased with it or not:P But it turned out decent:) I'll make another one of Sir Kain's characters with one of mine soon! Kain is © Eric Goodwin
Another sibling in the Rose family, here's an image of Hisuiiro (pronounced hee-suey-ee-row) Rose, brother to Violette and the green sibling of the family. (=3 Hisuiiro Rose is ©1998 Terry 'Mouse' Sender, and don't make me say it again.
Here's another mouse from me; James Andrew Stetson. He's an operative for ISN (an international security organization whose full name I forget at the moment), and he's not too happy because he was just made into the district supervisor for the San Francisco area, even though he was only trained as a field operative. Unwelcome promotion to an even higher-stress position; running the organization, even if on a local scale rather than national or global. Either way, James Andrew Stetson is ©1998 Terry 'Mouse' Sender, and I'd like to supersize that.
In the tradition of catching up with time and uploading images, here's another one for ya; a character I made up named Violette Rose; she's part of a family of bunnies, all color-coded siblings, basically. (=3 Violette Rose is ©1998 Terry 'Mouse' Sender, and don't you forget it!
Erf! I just realized that it's been almost a year since I've last uploaded! This is what I get for working so much lately; no time to do the drawings I wanna do. Well, this hopefully will keep me from being right out deleted. In any case, here's a drawing I did of an RP character of mine online, Byron Winchester (And yes, those of you who've played Castlevania: Symphony of the Night/Dracula X, you should recognize the attire. Derivative, I am). Byron Winchester is ©1998 Terry 'Mouse' Sender, like the image says. So listen up!
<November 17, 1998>