<October 24, 1998>
This is a pic that I did quite a while back. I use it as a template; I think it's pretty cool. This pic (the hard copy that is) has gone through a rain storm, ketchup (which I hate), ashes, and flying a block down the street. Maybe I should make a copy before it spontaneosly combusts.
The question is not if fast food burgers are actually meat... the question is: Are they really dead and cooked? Mayber this will shed some light.
Will Grey (his official name) dressed as King Tutankaman (sp). Getting ready for a Halloween costume party. Others will be ogoling, er I mean joining him soon. Will Grey is, of course © Lee Nader.
It's a joke. Really. <G> I'm gonna get hurt anyway, aren't I? :) Ah well. Catnel (C) Colleen Phillips, Trixi (C) Candy Lewin, Ben Bruin (C) Ralph Hayes Jr. (sorry for the clipage, I didn't space it well! :P), Tet (C) Ryan Dewelt, Sully (C) Scotty Arsenal, Aislinn (C) me. I think that's had better be, 'cause I ran out of space. ;) Sorry for the crummy pencil, but I had tons to do and no time to color! (And BTW, thanks to Ben, who uploaded for me!!! YAY!)
WHEEE! Sully helped me fix my FTP problem (it was extremly embarassing so I won't go into it here ;) so I drew Reeba and Marble!! I like Reeba's pose, even though she was difficult to draw. They may or may not be hiding something behind their backs...;)
This started out as a little sketch but then grew into this marvel of colored pencil you see before you...Her name is Brooke and she's a character from a story I've had floating around in my head for a while...Brooke is © me...
Old old OLD drawing done sometime last december or so...I still think it's kinda cute though :o)
Well, Evil lop mustn't be cute at all... hehe. She refuses to be Cute Folks... but, darn doesn't she look CUTE in this??? :) I wonder what she has behind her back? Hmmmm... Trixi © Candy Lewin
New South Africa and Stomping Grounds. Get out your banjo and jam. What else would Vix be playing but "Vix 9"?
. . . . but nothing beats the taste of the eggplant. Have my scouts spotted an attack?
Ah yes... What a nice day. Here, our friends come across a bunch of playful birds (cept for Vivian, who came across and eagle who is going to naw at her head). As you can see, Calico holds a little purple bird, Rage holds a little blue bird, and Vivian has an eagle clawing at her head. I have no idea where the idea came to me for this pic. guess I wanted to try to draw something cute, which I am starting to do(group pictures with some kinda theme: this one being birds)Anyhoodles, nuff said about this. Calico, Rage and Vivian c. to me.
I have no idea where this idea came from. Here is a Bambi and Turtle pic. Here, they are on a flying dragon. I think I did a good job on this one, considering a picture like this would have looked real bad normally. Yet, here is a picture that is in a series of cute group pictures with a theme. Here is the theme for this one: a dragon ride of some sort. Bam and Turt c. to Steph and I. (dumb english class is making me speak proper english. Normally it would be me and steph.)
Here the second picture of anudder witch cat by Steph. This is Fate Herself. I like this one better then the first one I drew, except for the fact I forgot to colour her feet and drew her thumb on the wrong side. Fate c. to Steph.
Here is a picture of Ratfink and Noah together wearing different clothes. Thrilling, eh? ('cept for the fact that Calico and Vivian find Noah extremely thrilling) I like this picture. Pretty nifty background, eh? Noah and Ratfink Lightshadow c. to Steph.
Here is a group picture of Ratfink's Den. My sister likes this one alot, and I dont know why. This also includes the very first Flick I ever drew. I messed up on his colours though, but that's okay. (after all, it's the thought that counts :)) I like this picture too. Anudder boo boo I made was wit Erica's leg. I forgot to close the gaps in her leg, so the background went threw. Luckily you can't tell. Ratfinks Den (Ratfink, Erica, Aleisha, Noah and Flick) c. to Steph.
I ALWAYS wanned to draw a llama! They just look so neat, hehheh! Say, can you tell me why they're written with two L's? Mebbe a typo in the dictionary? L-l-l-l-lama Power!
Erin did the most adorable pic of Isis!! So now this is my pic back to her!I wish it turned out better....I'll make more Kit and Co. related pics later! this is Kit hosting his own talk show!On the Space Ghost set, no doubt!Creative, no? Kit is © the very talented Erin Middendorf!And Space Ghost is © Hanna Barbara or Turner....Woo!
Ahhh, it's a wonderful day in Cyantian Desert and here we have a young nomadic cheetah taking a rest and a relaxing dip in a small oasis. This was my first use of Sharpies and it kinda got fuzzy, so I'll bein buy bristol board soon... in bulk >:)
<October 24, 1998>