<August 15, 1998>
Robyn Goes Retro (again): A raccoon couple, Dave and Sasha. From '90
Robyn Goes Retro (again): Jenni the green dragon looks pretty for her blind date. From '88.
Secret A. ready to slice anything that moves.
Wolfy from Yiffnet, who drew a very cool version of me. :)
A little tribute to the great furfolkses who keep Yerf going. My comic strip is something which I take very seriously at times, but Yerf is someplace where I can let down my fur and go "Wee hoo!" Keep it up, guys! :) Sully is © Scotty Arsenault and The Founder is © Ratman.
Kynliod Dewphire sent me a very nice e-mail about one of my pencil pics, so here's a pencil pic fer make up for all the bad pics I did for her years ago when we were active RW Club members (Tomato wars, anyone?) Kyn © Josie Bowler :)
A sketch I did for Trixi's sketchbook at AAC2. The theme of the book is "Happiness is..." Trixi is © Candy Lewin. Thanks to Tet for scanning it.
I got a request for a DJ bear wearing a backwards hat and standing behind turntables scratching a record. So here it is. This was also done in Painter.
<August 15, 1998>