<August 16, 1998>
Kelly Hamilton posted a picture called kellyfur.jpg. In the description she wrote 'Now, if you really like me, you'll draw a picture of me....' Well, I think the character's a real cutieboots, so I thought I'd have a go at drawing her. The 'Kellyfur' character is copyright Kelly Hamilton.
A drawing request from a cute raccoon lady named Raz. I was in the process of coloring this picture when I saw a post by Shelly Monahan called lemrleap.jpg. It showed another ringtailed critter in a similar dynamic pose, but I swear, it's just a coincidence. I didn't copy her piccie.
Take two: Robin as he would appear as a middle aged phoenix...oh that would be about 5000 to 6000 years into his life..Hence his receeding hairline... My boyfriend mentioned it looked like he came out from a disco....
Take two: Robyn's Retro Archives: Some weird female creature named Sunny. From 89?
Heres Pickalock. Only this time as I would be as a real otter.
Heyhey, it's everyone's favorite laggy of FM! Lagkitten! Awww, isn't he kyOOte, all chewin' up T1s and modem lines and such. ;) This was a sketch in blue pencil in my third 'black sketch book.' Lagkitten is of course © by Conrad 'Lynx' Wong, one of the best artists out there I know. ;) Try not to alter, distribute or all that jazz if you want to live a long life.
It's Lagkitten again, and it looks like he found a nice spot to shed lag: atop of Kitsumi's head. ;P She's gotten used to it, trust me... Lagkitten © Lynx, Kitsumi's © me o' course!
This is based kinda on my welcoming of Doodles to Yerf. When I get shy (which I do a lot) I tend to freeze up... or stutter... a lot. So.. um.. here I am... doin' what I do best -- hiding under The Couch. Erin Cat and the vampire dust bunnies © me, Doodles © Meike Thomas
I've been a little busy... school started and I'm in a new relationship, yada yada yada.. (Why didn't anyone warn me being a high school Sophmore is akin to hell on earth?) Anyway, this is Pachoo... Pachoo is a flying coon-squirrell. Cute little bugger, isn't he? Pachoo is, of course, © me (as are the flying coon-squirrells..)
I was watching one of my Unico videos... and suddenly felt like drawing Beezle, the devil of solitude... and I wasn't sure if a devil was furry, so I added the baby unicorn Unico for good effect!! Unico and Beezle are both © Sanrio
A nice little fur.Cindy Lou is showing off her new outfit.Bunnykids Series. ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit.
<August 16, 1998>