<August 14, 1998>
Robyn goes Retro: A blue dragon who's name I've forgotten....created 1987
Rudy's about to pounce on a white mouse, either that or its turned white with fright..This cool cat is © Diosden Rodriguez
Robyn goes Retro: Terry Pteradon, a character I created 15 years ago. Gee, that's a long time ago....
Group portrait...Mookie (the little griffen on the bottom left) doesn't want to be seen with all those grown ups.
An Owston's Palm Civet, roaming across the desert. I can't remember where they actually live- jungles or forests or coral reefs or sumpin- but this one lives in the desert. Because I Said So.
I been doing reasearch on London during the'z some mouse-girl types after an air raid. The tall one looks a li'l too happy, but what're ya gonna do? Background done in about 5 minutes (not that it shows)
You see a lot of vulpines and felines on Yerf, but not too many of the porcine persuasion. So here's a pair of Eurasian Orcs - male and female warriors, the male being the big grey boar on the left - to fill the gap. For those that this makes sense to, yep; the male is indeed The Orc.
I logged on to Yerf today and was instantly greeted with a beautiful pic by Kynliod! She does the most incredibly emotive and expressive artwork. And here I've gone all this time without drawing her with her nice new headfur style. Shame on me. Well, I will rectify this oversight right away. :) The delightful Ms. Dewphire is © the beautiful Ms. Bowler.
Here is Mac and his family enjoying a evening at home. He and Lhauria are very proud. Lhauria ©her player. Art ©1998 B.S.M. Oldrabbit
<August 14, 1998>