<May 23, 1998>
Lookie who I found on ICQ!Heh,an' he say no one care for him!NOT TRUE!Here a piccie to show that at least SOMEONE cares!Sorry if it not right,no pic reference at the time!Anyway...he be©Terry Sender.
Ok,lemme be brief:The pic an' back story is loosely based on Disney's new movie,Mulan.If ya know the plot,then ya got a pretty good idea what the basic story is about('cept it's the brother,not the father like in the movie),and have figured out that BOTH pics are the same char!Her name?Areiya Naka.Her nickname/brother's name?Akira Naka.Naka©Me;Mulan©Disney.
After almost 50 years of absence,Godzilla returns to the big screen once again;after 4 years of not drawing this guy,Kornodon appears for the first time ever on your computer screen!*whistles to "Heroes" by The Wallflowers*Kornodon©me;Godzilla©ToHo Co.(?)
Some strange trappings, a firefly, a somewhat startled raccoon. "Who is the third who walks always beside you?" -- T.S. Eliot, 1922.
This started out as a rough for Suzie but ended up not looking much anything like her so I guess its not really her but it is kind of. I guess.
A feeble attempt at a comic. Originally ink, colored in PSP. Unforunatly, I didn't think ahead and shaded with ink, so the coloring came out bad
The second page. This time I experimented with b&w. sorry the prints so small.
Fear is manifested by an enormous iggy by the name of Godzilla. Vix is using a different approach to taking down this big boy (sling shot). Unfortunately, all it did was get his attention. I plan to color this eventually. Vix is mine by way of God. I mean Vix © myself.
<May 23, 1998>