<May 24, 1998>
Here's Karma da Tree Frog! She's a great freind of mine, and is currently dating Slippy Toad! :)
My good freind, Polinia Histrovia! She's also one heck of an artist! She's much better than me! She's a really cool fur!
This is that YURI girl i was talking about a long time ago? wellllll...i fixed her up. And now she's Katja.
I was just drawing this when i decided to water color it. it looked better as just a sketch! but ah well. i like it anyways, and i hope you do too! >^,,^<
This is my attempt at Naoko! Naoko is copyrighted to Mgehan Dombrowski. Pic on the way, azy! And you too, james!
Big Blue Fox and Kevin behind the scenes, helped by the utterly (in) competent Ferris. Thanks, BBF, who's © Karsten Auchter. :)
Catnel's kub Kassy delivered the incapacitated Renata some flowers (Renata broke several bones jumping off a roof to interview George Michael -- oh you'll have to read the strip to figure it all out) and so, Renata, with two broken arms, takes them the only way she can. ;) Kassy is © the mama tiger Colleen Phillips. :)
An honest gumshoe can't make himself a living these days without the press nipping at his heels. ;) Sam Spaniel is © Jeff Darlington.
Title: Summer Can't Come Fast Enough! I dunno about the rest of you guys, but my sketches have *really* been suffering lately; I'm blaming it on finals and such, man. This is the first semi-decent coloured thing I've done in a while, 'coz it seems my muse has gone on summer vacation before I have. Yuk! Hopefully, things'll look up once school's out...
Another picture cleaned up for SCFA family viewing, oops I mean Yerf viewing.
A half-hour production by Hiker. No particular character, and no self-respecting wolf would be caught on paper with a look like *that* anyways. :) Image © Trent Drake
<May 24, 1998>