<January 4, 1998>
Ahm... I'm not TOTALLY sure what this picture is but I THINK it's the "I'm gregarious" picture. I'm in the dark just cause I'm pretty good at naming my files with some STUPID filenames that could mean any number of things. If you don't know what "gregarious" means, look it up. It's a lie too you know. I'm not.
Yeesh! Kevin should start keeping better company. (Actually I think both of us have been infected by the Bakshi Cool World virus, and we're under quarantine.) That human is copyright that dog. Wait! Strike that. Reverse it. Thank you. (Oh, my first JPG, in case anyone's taking notes.) ;)
Ha, Haley, I can rival you in the "evilness" department! ;) Exactly what the filename implies, a "quick" drawing of three familiar furs at a restaurant they went to while attending "Trixicon." All these guys are © their fun-loving creators. And I AM working on new time wrinkle installments... honest! :)
I got Paint Shop Pro this Chwistmas. Then I remembered Snowflake has it too, so I drew this pic of her (the old version, I know, I know...) prepared for battle with the Unfinished Drawing demons! Huh-huh... I used this pic to improve on my computer coloring skills....see any improvement? Blah....
My Grandfather died suddenly yesterday, before I had a chance to see him again after five years. Before he had a chance to see my daughter. I feel bad. So this is for my grandpa. I love you Grandpa Spooner... Colleen Sullivan-Phillips
This is the more-or-less corrected version of the mess I submitted for Katmandu #13 and Shanda #21.
The Amazing ErinV :) She was the first one to e-mail me at my new address ( so here's her picture :) Way to go Erin!! :)
<January 4, 1998>