<January 3, 1998>
Another pic of one of my chars on SPR, Katalin.
I just got finished watching the movie Sling Blade. This i reckon can be a possible character on SPR for my future, mm hmm.
WRATH OF RACH, Page Ten. Things, it seems, are looking up. (well, not for Pyewacket) ... I don't know how much scanner access I'll have for the next few days, but I am just a couple pages away from finishing this thing. Hang on (tight)..I shall return.
WRATH OF RACH, Page Nine: Unbelievable Bob has a crisis. It occurs to me that I probably labeled "wr9.gif" as page nine when it is in fact page eight. Brain not work now. Must fix later. :P
Roland Redpelt is born to ski! The loose powder snow in the foreground and the background was "airbrushed" into the picture with Adobe Photo Deluxe.
Happy Birthday, Candy. :)
A picture done for my RL friend Matt, as a gift for his birthday. He's shown here, depicted as a grey fox, lying back and relaxing to the tune of a favourite band, Yes. I was right, this is becoming a trend...
And here's Julie Miyamoto's Hysteria, showing off her new t-shirt from Elmer Fudd Designs. I know, she has no use for the sleeves, but I couldn't find a poncho manufacturer who did custom logos.
One night on FurryMuck, Rafferty decides to impersonate Amara the fox-shark and starts gnargnargnaring on my tail! After a brief discussion, like the reasonable person I am, I convince him how unwise this is...
OK, so my first upload of '98 is a '97 drawing. Huh. Just thought you might like to know I got my website finished =) It's at if anyone cares.
Another quick Photoshop job(about 20 min.) of a sketch I did way back in December of '97 =)
<January 3, 1998>