<December 23, 1997>
Li'l self-portraity doodles I did a while back... I was feeling rather bored at the time, I s'pose. Me © me.
I caught my ferret drinking out of the christmas-tree water. I wish she wouldn't do that; it's making me nervous...
Muffin the Plunger-Skunk. is not my WWWboard; I'll keep this short. Don't expect any more muffin pages for another month or so; I'll post an in-depth explanation on my webpage, for those who care to investigate. (Muffin © me)
This is how Max Concolor will look in his part in the Time Wrinkle story. Max, looking over a rooftop.
I need sleep. If this pic is shaded worse than usual or is totally out of proportion, blame it on the fact that I drew it at 5:32 AM and I've had about three hours of sleep in the past forty hours or so. Yippee. Anyhoo, I don't think this one turned out that bad, all things considered. :) Kit © Emily Smith, "Anastasia" © Fox.
Now none of y'all can keep saying I don't draw Pooka. >:) "Anastasia" © Fox.
ShadowDrm, is this close to what you were talking about? :) I like this one a bunch more than the last one; the inking went better. Yay. Taan copyright Jessica Park, "Anastasia" copyright Fox.
One of my first attempts at colouring on my new paint programme. I put a little text in here; not much, but it filled in a little dead space. This is Nisyha, one of my personal furries, and she looks slightly perplexed. I dunno. It's not the best pic in the world, but I'm just starting to use this thing! :) Nisyha © me. (Re-uploaded because I've gotten the Perfectionist Bug from Jessi. ;)
Christmas. Too much giving, not enough civil unrest.
I thought this year it might be fun to make up some personalized Christmas cards instead of just buying them. :) This is the one I made for Sully (which I unfortunately can't send to him cos I don't have his snail mail address :/). Minkle's only joking, by the way. At least I hope he is. Sully & Minkle © Scotty Arsenault
My second card is for Trixi, whom appears to be discovering a lack of demand for bunnies at Christmas. :) Trixi © Candy Lewin (I couldn't send this card out eiher. Ho hum)
My third card is to Accipiter, who lives in a country that is sure to get a white Chritmas this year. :) Yay Sweden! Accipiter © Samuel Jirenius, Kandra @ Felicia Kaye
Speaking of Kandra, this is the 4th card I made for her. Kandra opens her Christmas presats. Maybe that big box has a skunky in it :) Kandra © Felicia Kaye
Speaking of skunkys, here's another well known Canadian artist skunky, who wasn't expecting to find herself dressing for the occoaision. :) MelSkunk © The one and only (and prolly vengeful after she sees this) Melissa Drake
Happy holidays! Sorry for the rather cruddy pic, yet being sleepy doesn't help much. I felt like I better get a pic on here tonight incase tomorrow's too busy. Hope you'll have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and remember that it isn't the presents under that tree that Christmas is about. It's about the birth of Christ, the spirit of giving, and love. :)
Limpidity #201: Christmas
Limpidity #202: Christmas
Limpidity #203: Christmas
Limpidity #204: Christmas
<December 23, 1997>