<December 22, 1997>
Another "just draw" thing. Getting a lot of these. Anyway, I noticed that I didn't have a rabbits/bunnies in my directory so I decided to add some. This started out as a dog and than evolved into a bunny after a serious (not) evolution! Whee! Bye!
Well, I'm sorry... I colored this one a tad messily and the scanning didn't come out too well either. Oh well, there's always a next time! This is Sox in as a Christmas tree ornament. All we need now is a hook and one of those 50-foot trees and we'll be all set!
PART 3: This is part 3. Part 3 is good! Hi! Umm... I just might not finish this before the actual day... sooOOoo... Just pretend it's a christmas strip for next year :')
PART 4: This is part 4. Part 4 is good! Hi! Umm... soo this is where Jax gets involed. And truthfully I'm still trying to figure out what Tat is talking about. I really don't know...
I rarely draw these...
unfortunately, you can't really make out the Nine inch Nails insignia on his cap... Anyone see the video to "happiness in slavery?"
a whole lifetime - fixed... in one... determined... flash.....
Schonheit gibt es nur im kampf...
Peejster, in what I hope looks like a cozy domestic scene. This bear is © Jim Lee, Jr. and is the recipient of many thanks for his encouraging e-mails. :)
More of the time story: With noBrainR's distress increasing, Tapestry makes her decision. All characters are © their creators.
It's request night at the Forest Karaoke Bar and a familiar bear is swoonin' 'em with the songs they all love. This dates back to 1994, and it may be a somewhat lame joke, but I thought it was fun enough to share.
If you don't know who this is, you haven't been around long enough! Kendall's standing on a cliff near a dazzling nighttime city. He's ready to hit a night in the town, after a quick pose for the artist. :)
A picture of a kewl kitsune, Quentin!
Hope this is what you wanted,Crazy!Crazy Da Wolf be©His player.
A nice commish pic for Puffy,who's©Heath Williamson,if I'm not mistaken!
Happy Holidays!
Need... sleep... Rita, please don't kill me. =) Okay, this here is Rita as Sophie (yes, she had to gain a bit of weight for this role, but Sophie's cool and so is Rita, so...), Taan as Anya (what did you expect?), and a surprise cameo by Azy as Sophie's kitty-cat. :) No, this pic isn't great, but it's not bad. Anyhoo, Taan © me, Rita © Liz V., Asrial © Jessica Heyl (hope I spelled that right), and "Anastasia" © Fox. BTW, for a pic of how Rita -really- looks, check out a pic by Del at:
My contribution to the Taanastasia thingie. This piccie is about a month old, beautifully coloured by Jessica Park. Taan © Jess, Kryka © me.
Rio de Janeiro pose. Been awhile since I drew her, and many have asked to see her here she is. :)
Sneakers standing on a sidewalk, looking before he crosses
Quentin in his normal fox morph, as requested by Charles - his creator and player. Quentin is © Charles Calabria.
Quentin in his kitsune morph, as requested by Charles - his creator and player. Quentin is © Charles Calabria.
The time wrinkle story continues... as the reason for Tapestry's sudden pain becomes known. My thanks to Tapestry and Thomas for all the effort they have put into their postings, and apologies to Thomas for mine being late. (Hard disk probs... :P)
Meet Meeka of BaltoMuck :) Yep, I finally managed to get on a muck!! I also registered for FurryMuck and I'll be there real soon too! :) My Balto character is supposed to be a linx. She may not look too much like one (but that's cause I couldn't find my "how to draw animals" book and I had to go on memory).
A, well, skating roo, of course. =o\
<December 22, 1997>