<December 14, 1997>
The one and only Maxwell Wolfen, who's © Malakai Cain. :)
Another sketch. I'm surprised. I actually went and coloured in, like, four sketches or something; I feel/look/sound absolutely miserable, since I'm sick as a dog right now (no offense to any canines). Anyway, this is Taanastasia at eight years old, running. Oo, crappy shading, yay... :) Isn't she cute? Taan © me, "Anastasia" © Fox.
Never have a non-bunny say anything about "bashing a dave" around a non-dustbunny, or the non-bunny will be bored to tears while the non-dustbunny acts all cute (i am not cute) and annoying (i am not annoying, damnit) and well...I feel sorry for Hysteria. Hysteria © miyajuli, and sar`rah © me.
TRIXI BIGFOOT! Finally have a piccie I did of her that I liked...too bad it in black and white. :P I asked for a colour scanner for Christmas, I do hope I get it. Trixi © the super-cool Candy Lewin.
Dermott of FurryMUCK, corsair, and before the eyepatch! Hopefully I'll get more pictures up soon; I'm awfully behind, courtesy of RL. Like my other pictures, greyscale, pencil on light paper. Comments welcome!
Emily the Rose, of NimhMUCK (it's back!) after way too long a delay! Manymanymany apologies, Emily! Still working on more to be put up soon. Greyscale, pencil on light paper. Comments welcome!
Hi, people! :) It's been a while since I last uploaded. I'm still busy with my website construction (a lotta work!). Anyway, didn't want to miss wishing Gene and Howie a happy b-day, despite this pic's lateness. :o)
Yay! I colored another picture! This is a furry boy who doesn't have a name yet. (Boy's with long hair are so cute!) He's one of my old pictures but I still really love it!
This is to get you Scrooges out there in the christmas mood. It is a nativity scene, only the people are dragons. Hopefully I can get some more christmas picts up before Christmas is over.
Gene has a ponder about his recent birthday, when there is a sudden 'wsshht' sound... A little belated, but here's mine... 8-{)
<December 14, 1997>