<December 15, 1997>
Another just draw pic. And here's the low-down on this one. Well I started this drawing on a piece of paper we were supposesd to use for notes. And being how cheap (or rich, I don't know you tell me which is more expensive) my teachers were, intstead of using white paper like normal people they thought it would be fun to taunt our colored paper sensors in the back of our heads with flashy blue paper. Silly me, I drew on! ^_^ And at any rate it turned out that when I scanned it, it looked like crud. So I spent an hour coming out with the right gamma correction.
Well I'm sorry to say that this one didn't scan that well. When I was drawing it I wasn't too sure whether or not I'd color it or not so I started shading Tatiana over there. So after I did decide to color it turned out really dark which contrasted with the rest of the picture sending the whole thing out of whack. Anyway on a happier note, this is the beginning of my little Christmas comic. And, no, I really don't know myself what's in that box, I'll draw what comes to me tommorrow.
An original pic I made specifically to upload to the SCFA. A mouse, squirrel, and rabbit of yesteryear getting ready to fight. Don't know who they're fighting, but I sure wouldn't want it to be me.
One of a series of fantasy pics for world I was creating. I really enjoy this one, because I like the "crocodile" mage on his perch. Unfortunately, I did this on lined notebook paper, and the lines are visible. But they don't detract too much. Take a good look at the spell components in the background; you might find a surprise or two.
The cast of "Zoo Trek: The Next Breed." They, too, will be in the upcoming "Zoo Trek Confusium." Check out my web site for more details.
The cast of the soon-to-be-infamous "Zoo Trek" comic series, whose web site will be premereing as soon as I get it finished. This is a better view of some of my "cartoony" art. I really ought to upload some of my good stuff.
Although this birthday greeting may seem belated, it actually isn't, due to the time dilation effect. Gene Catlow © the Right Honorable Mr. Albert Temple
Jimmy the Engineering Squirrel from (old NimhMuck! Jimmy © His Player
Nick from NimhMuck! Nick © His Player
It's a new picture of me. I just felt like drawing it after I slightly changed my description. I wanted to see how much I had improved, and well, judge for yourselves.
From 1996 (aagh! hide!), but I still like it. He's Hank, a crocodile, who lurks in dark and secret corners doing dark and secret things.
#1 in the series of 'Waiting for the web' doodles. This raccoon thinks he's Kylie Minogue.
From 1996 again (agh! hide!). Very chunky and bodgy, but very much in the spirit of things. Angus catches Czanad in the washing machine. Again.
Ewan holds his baby daughter to the sky... I really love this picture. It's from a story I was writing a long time ago. I used to write bits of it on computers whenever I saw one. I'd write even when I couldn't save the piece. So sometimes I'd be weird places (like the library) and I'd just write on their crummy database screens. I guess some lucky patrons got more to read then they were expecting! Furry Forever!
The time wrinkle story continues... with all his plans in place, Rex Lardinier awaits the moment when the gulf between his dimension and ours is slim enough for him to cross over...
Limpidity #198: Moon
Limpidity #199: Moon
Limpidity #200: Moon
Trixie emailed me last night, which is how I figured out that I got here. :P I had been checking every now and then eagerly my email box so was very PLEASANTLY surprised. I was so happy, I sat down and drew a picture, and here it is! Trixie is Copyright Trixie. ;)
<December 15, 1997>