<December 3, 1997>
Well, golllllllllee! I KNEW there was somethin' special about today when I woked up! :) Aislinn is © the Birthday Girl Kyono Malnassy.
Hey, I turn 15 today! And, as usual, my furry suffers for it. <G> I mean, I'm actually wearing a *dress* for once (the things I do for you people ;)! The wings are "on loan" from another character, in a manner of speaking, and as for the hair... well, don't ask. :)
This is my first attempt at Photoshop! To further benefit fur-kind, I plan to tackle a dellema. I plan to attack it with the greatest weapon of all; HUMOR! (Hence my Jerry Sienfeld impression!) The dellema; certain artists (you know who you are) going completely off the deep end on those annoying lens flares! Hey, I never said it was a very GOOD impression.
Brika brik brik brik! Laurie Fox, gett'n with the PtheR crew! Thanks to Cyberskunk (Robert Serocki) for the rap!
A birthday picture for the wonderful Tapestry! © the equally wonderful Kyono Malnassy! (P.S. The one you drew for yourself was *exquisite*, Tapestry! :) )
I felt we need a parody of "Starship Troopers". My apologies to those who like the movie. This inked version replaces the old pencil-only.
Erm... what's this I hear about excessive violins in pictures?
<December 3, 1997>