<December 4, 1997>
OUR FIRST CHRISTMAS TOGETHER/ Father, Mother, Son and Daughter/ Bonded by Love, not by Blood/ God Bless Us, One and All!!!/ Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from OUR family to YOURS!!
PART 1: Here's an odd little thang from a month ago that I forgot to post...drawn in Pencils and Charcoal, featuring Jill Jitters and the allmighty Ozymandias! Apparently Jill has become a Republican... Ozy © Rain Simpson. Yay!
PART 2: KattyKattyKatty!! The only Smitemil character I know how to draw.... She's gone Republican too, and it looks like she doesn't share Jill's ideas of what the GOP should be... 'Ittle Katty is still © Emily Smith, last time I checked
Happy B-day, Kyono! This pic is a little belated. Oh well. Here's a better attempt at Aislinn, and I even tried a couple of special effects. :) Aislinn is (C) the kewl artist who's b-day is today, Kyono Malnassy :)
Four ladyfurs from the SCFA. The Observant One and Cuanu doin' that antigravity headfur thing, with Trixi and Kynliod sitting below them. All characters are ©; their respective players/creators.
<December 4, 1997>