<November 22, 1997>
Well, after being on the SCFA so long, I felt it was ozymandatory to do this drawing. "Look on my ukulele, ye Mighty, and despair!" :) This musical lupine is © Rain Simpson.
Whew! Tapestry's found Kevin and Renata! I feel rather privileged that such a mystical fur would zero in on my characters... so I added this to the time story. Tapestry © Kyono Malnassy... to whom I give my biggest thanks! :)
Howie T. Cat, doing that super-suave, ultra-cool, David-Niven James-Bond sorta kinda thang. Howie is © Jason Furness. :)
Guess what movie I went to see on my B-Day!Kompy is ©me,but the concept based on characters that are ©Acclaim/Midway.
Here ya go, ShadowWolf! Another scene from "Anastasia"! Whoo! Yeah, the pic isn't great, but I thought it turned out okay for one of those really, really quick sketches. I swear, my scanner hates me. It eats up all of my pencil sketches, the evil contraption. BTW, I noticed a funny thing a couple of days ago -- "Anastasia" opened in theatres on Taan's IC birthday. (She turned the equivilant of twenty-three or so yesterday.) I didn't plan this, dangit! Whine.. Taan © me, Kit © Emily Smith, and "Anastasia" © Fox.
"Anastasia" was incredible. It was just... wow. I don't know what it was, but that movie had more of an effect on me than any other movie -- live-action or animated -- ever has. And the Taan = Anya, Kit = Dimitri thing was too spooky. I think I'll have to whine and plead and beg and grovel and convince my dad to let me go see it again today. =) Taan © Jessica Park, "Anastasia" © Fox.
Taan/Anastasia at eight years old. Might colour this one in. (Probably not. I'm lazy.) Drew this one last night while listening to "Once Upon a December". Really pretty song. Speaking of December, my birthday's coming up! (Sorta.) Come December 25th -- yep, I'm a Christmas baby -- I'll finally be fifteen. Yippee! :D Anyways, Taan © Jessica Park, Anastasia © Fox.
Ok, here's Kompy with yet ANOTHER cake, and Jamaru with something new to show off. They are both © some 16-year-old. Oh, and when you get your license, watch out for EVERYONE on the road, not just the little old ladies! Here's a Rule of the Road that I stole from George Carlin: "Everyone driving slower than you is an idiot, everyone driving faster than you is a moron." Happy Driving, or something!! Keep watching those 50-year-old films in Driver's Ed! Especially the gross ones where they show guts.
Woah, color. This is actually a picture of my dog done as a fur. I like it. No, she doesn't REALLY have purple hair, but it's an interesting concept... naw, I could never do that. heh.
Just a little sketch I did in school of Dash. I think it's just kyoote. :)
Ladies and gentlefurs, I present.... me in Math class. :P Thank you, thank you.
Lindgold takes a few notes that may be useful for future reference...
<November 22, 1997>