<November 23, 1997>
Did this one a while back for the heck of it,but since it be Thanksgiving soon...and if for some weird reason there's a Street Fighter 3 fan out there offended by said pic,I've but this to say:"LOOK AT THE GUY!YOU try and tell me he doesn't look like a turkey!HE'S A TURKEY I TELL YA,A TURKEY!!!!!Original char's © Capcom.
OK FOLKS!Here's the deal:I put up the pic and situation,YOU-yes,you-tell me what happens next!Email or ICQ and the winnin' answer will be up by next week!Here goes:Elias,a lone warrior,enters the forest that is protected by the outlaw Luke.Upon facing him,should he:a)Run away b)ask him to let him pass or c)fight him.Story will get better,I promise!All chars©me.
My Good friend The Purple Rhino. She has a Dayglo Green horn. I have been friends with her for over 5 years. I finally got down to drawing her character. Purple Rhino © Rhondda Lake. (Rhoni) (BTW... I cannot stop giggling... <g>)
It's my 50th pic! Woo hoo! Blare the trumpets! Throw the confetti! I'd like to thank *sniff* all the wonderful *sniff* artists who made this happen. You know who you are!! Thank you guys!! :) *sniff*
Here's one of my old villians from the days before I had Net access (*shudder*). He was an evil sorcerer sphinx, who became an outcast when the Sphinx folk learned of his terrible plans. He used his power to give himself the disguise of a normal cat; yet be warned. This choatic fur is very dangerous if he crosses your path. Leon (C) me.
I'll be going to visit my relatives for a bit for Thanksgiving, so here's a Thanksgiving pic ahead of time. GobbleGobbleGobble! :)
Ladies and gentlefurs, I present.... Me in Math Class: The Sequel.
<November 23, 1997>