<November 20, 1997>
Appatently Tat needs a lesson on how to handel animals. I did this one in a cute little style making Sox and Tat here look really young and I think that little puppy likes it that way. By the way, it reads bot-left, top-left, top-right.
Sox needed some extra cash so he signed up with the US army for missle testing... WHEEEE!!!
Tempus continues to fugit, as Renata falls headlong into the Hypnopotamus's sinister spell. BTW, Renata's last line comes by way of Gene. It's either meant to be a kind of "running joke" or to demonstrate a lack of creativity on my part. You decide. ;)
After months of waiting, "Anastasia" opens tomorrow! Yee-ha! Time to bring the Disney monopoly to its knees! Taan and Anise plan the day accordingly... (Taan © Jessica Park, Anise © moi, Anastasia stuff © Fox)
Found this one whilst formatting a bunch of diskettes. Just a B&W inking of our favorite villan, Scar, of Lion King fame. I'm sure Scar is © Disney.
Part 2 of the "decent comic attempt" from last time!When you have no light to guide you and no one to walk beside you,I will come to you,I will--ACK!Hanson?!NONONO!!!It just be Jean 22(Remember him?)in his glowin' form(He a mage,remember?)"Follow me",he says?Hmmm....Jean22 and Kompy is ©Me.
Part 3 of the "decent comic attempt" from last time!Followin' da birdie!Followin' da bird--EH?!
Decided not to use my coloured pencils; I got lazy and just coloured this one sketch in with Corel. It's a scan of an inked printout, so it's smaller than the original file and doesn't look the same and stuff. Ah well. Kit © Emily Smith, Dimitri © Fox.
This bat guy creeped me out when I drew him....I still don't like him but I'm morbidly facinated... :X/
Boredom does some neat things....I was thinking of archeology or something....and this tomb raiding bison lept to the page.
Can you tell I was studying (or supposed to be studying) Mesopotamia? Good, I knew you did.....
This is a character I had a long involved story worked up in my head about......and did nothing with. ;X) He was made mostly in philosophy evidenced by my "God: Transient of the Universe" comment....... heh.
This is my attempt at a creepy new style.....they just look *wrong* to me for some one of those odd Calvin Klein commercials....for the sake of humanity I quit doing that! phew!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you on the SCFA! :)
Trixi asked me to draw one of Tet. This file is a small transparent GIF that I'll be using in my homepage.
The time wrinkle story continues... the Raccoon Kids make up their minds to find out more about the mysterious Hypnopotamus.
<November 20, 1997>