<October 14, 1997>
OK...'nother comishion pic of a wolf....You do know I do other comishion pics besides wolves,right?Anyway,Here be a nice pic o' Glacius T. Wolf!ENJOY!Glaceius is © his player.
WELL!A cat comishion pic!This is new!Heh...this be cool kitty Riff Raff DaKat!Riff be © her player.
Here you go, Gene! A *very* quick character profile of Aislinn, done in no small part to relieve myself of the agony of Biology class...
Lookit all the Confetti heads! The result of trying to finish a request and hand in an art assignment simotaneously. Confetti is ©...uhhhh.....oh yeah, Kristen George!
I decided to draw Busty Bunny with... Big Hair. :) Actually an Ink Sketch I did last night after seeing David's Bunny. Busty Bunny (Barbra Barker) © David Hopkins art by Colleen
Weeeeee!!!! New toy! My OmniPen graphics tablet came a few days ago. Here's the result of my first experiments with it. Just a quick piccy of becky looking cute. :) Becky is copyright me, if you didn't know by now.
This is actually a ridiculous picture.
Thank you for the lovely drawing, Matilda! I laughed like crazy at the joke! :) I really wish, though, that I could figure out why folks keep apologizing for their art when they include me. Your drawing is *good*, Matilda!! (Who is © Whitney Matilla)
A mouse waitress ^_^
Limpidity #176: Car
Limpidity #177: Knock, Knock
Limpidity #178: Better Than A Nose Ring
<October 14, 1997>