<October 13, 1997>
The Diggers are an amiable species of mutant armadillo common across the New West. They're pretty peaceful as long as you leave them alone, but watch it, they're genius' at making explosives. Check them and other oddities out in the New West area of my website.
Spaceroo's been having some hardware trouble. "We can rebuild him... we have the technology. We can make him stronger...faster..." Spaceroo © John Seimer + Briareos © Masamune Shirow = This guy © Me.
A Kaiute Riflebeast stalks the post-apocalyptic desert lookin' to pick a fight. I just updated the New West area of my website, and even if you're not an R.P.G. player you may find some of the wierdness of interest. Come right back to the S.C.F.A. after you're done, tho. Tip o' the hat to Gene Catlow, who coined the term "riflebeast".
OK, this is what happened. Howie made a little comment about that Katlin Vyeda character being cute and Mark overheard it. So Mark teased him about it, and much fighting ensued. During the fight, they spilled Beefaroni on my prized life-size statue of EG Foxfire! So I decided to retaliate by blackmailing them with an extremely embarrasing pic of them. But before I could, Ittle Katty herself, after hearing that Howie & Mark's quarrel was over HER, rushed over to meet her "fan club". At least they've stopped fighting. ^_^
Oh... I've been admiring his art from away... far away... too scared to say anything, because I'm a wimp... :) But his art makes me giggle, so I wanted to draw him. I'm not worthy. (Don't kill me... please!) :) Gene Catlow © Albert Temple.
Some drawings I did to illustrate an article about Jack Salem's 'world', that was published in Yarf #28.
More Photoshop practice, trying to do a character card. Rage is copyright and TM by White Wolf, blah blah, ect. ect.
And the flipside of the same card.
Sorry Lindgold, sorry Angel Bear... I'm still learning about Ragu's Law. Didn't mean to spill spaghetti sauce on you.
Thanks for the nice portrait, Catnel! :) (You didn't really think I'd be upset about it, did you? *sigh*) But if you think age 27 is sneaky... (Catnel © Colleen Phillips)
Just for the halloween season. He's ky0000te, but he'll rip your lungs out in a second.
I dearly hope you forgive me for the bad drawings of y'all and for the joke. :) I could't resist, and I just wanted to draw two famous furs. <:-) Catnel (C) Colleen Phillips and Gene Catlow (C) Albert Temple
<October 13, 1997>